Bus Ride (Billy)

289 3 10

Requested by: No one

Type: Fluff

AU: None

Pairing: Billy (Bonnie x Lilly)

Lilly's POV:

I hastily picked up my bag and ran after my crew as they were already on the bus. Agh....I miscounted the exact minute the bus would arrive so I thought I had enough time to finish my book before getting on to it. I get sick when I read in the bus, and I really wanted to finish the book! And of course not to mention the huge line of students trying to get onto the bus first. It would've been good for me to get on early....... I finally manage to squeeze myself through the line and quickly look around to see where Abby might be. She was seated next to a boy with a brown ponytail, Fede and Felix were sitting together, there wasn't any other fully empty bench nearby, which means.......oh. I didn't have time to be frozen with nervousness due to the student behind me yelling at me to sit down. I took a seat next to the purple-haired boy from science class. I thought he was really cute...... He was kind of a nerd, just like me and apparently he's really against bullying too. We'd be a perfect match, right? I thought he was with that boy he often played guitar with, though. I could see he was staring at me from the corner of my eye but I didn't make any contact. I could feel my face getting warmer and mentally cursed myself. Getting all red in front of your crush......that's not a very good way to leave an impression.

Third Person's POV:

Bonnie shyly glanced at the tall girl next to him every now and then. Lilly was the cute girl that often sat next to him during science, and let's just say that he really wanted to talk to her again. Yes, again. They've talked a few times before, but only because they randomly got paired up for some projects. Their talks had been nice, maybe a little awkward. But it could've been worse. They sat in a deafening silence, both of them trying to distract themselves by listening to other people's conversations. Chica and Fox seemed to argue where their next date should be, Eak and Towntrap were fighting over meat and vegetables and Abby was fangirling with Freddy over a new yaoi pairing. Bonnie looked out the window in boredom before he could hear something through the speakers of the bus.

I hold on so nervously, to me and my drink~ I wish it was cooling me~

Both of the students gulped as the music reached them. What the two of them didn't know was that they both saw this song as their absolute jam. It took every inch in Lilly's body to not burst into singing. She noticed that Abby quickly turned to look at her before getting back to her conversation with Freddy. Meanwhile, Bonnie seriously wanted to play along on his guitar with the beautiful sound of the song that was playing.

But so far has not been good~ It's been shitty, and I feel awkward as I should~

Lilly dared to glance at Bonnie before immediately shifting her eyes again when she noticed he was looking at her too. Was that a sign of attraction? Probably not on his part....... She exhaled through her nose and looked elsewhere in a fit of simple frustration. To her surprise she was once again faced with Abby, except for the fact that she couldn't see her face. While the redhead was talking to her seat partner, she held up a notebook that had something written onto it in obvious black letters.

"Sing along to the song, he'll love it!"

Should she......? Lilly tried to focus on the lyrics of the song. It was nearing the chorus, and she was near to the end of her love frustration. As the chorus finally came on, Lilly closed her eyes and opened up her mouth.

"Well, I'm not paralyzed~ But I seem to be struck by you~" Bonnie whipped his head in surprise at the magnificent voice coming from the person next to him.

"I wanna make you move, because you're standing still~" Bonnie joined in on their newfound duet.

"If your body matches what your eyes can do, you'll probably move right trough~ " They both dared to look each other in the eye, with smiles on their faces.

"Me on my way to you~" Bonnie accidentally put his hand on top of Lilly's and attempted to take it back before getting stopped by the blue-haired girl.

A surprisingly not-so-awkward silence fell between the two of them. Both were trying to think of something to say. After finally having found the courage, they both asked the very same question in sync.

"Do you wanna go out some time?"

.......................... Abby and Freddy both looked up when they heard giggles coming from the seat behind them. Two dorks were laughing about something, probably a dumb thing. But they both didn't miss the hand-holding they were participating in. The two lovers looked at each other and smirked. Their best friends finally got together........noice!

"Took 'em long enough." Freddy's eyes shifted to black when he said that.

"I know, right?! They were even worse than Fede and Felix at that time!" Abby joined in.

"Who do you wanna get together next??" Fred excitedly asked.

"Toddy and Joy are sexually frustrated with each other." Abby replied, without taking her eyes off of her manga.

"Challenge accepted."

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