Phone (Freg)

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(Holy shit the art is frickin' adorable!!!)

Requested by: asriel_dreemur09853

Type: Fluff

AU: Soulmate AU (You have the same color of eye as your soulmate does)

Pairing: Freg (Freddy x Meg) with brief mentions of BXB (Bonnie x Bon) and Onnieoxy (Onnie x Oxy)

Third Person's POV:

Meg walked through the school's gates, her deadly glare making sure the students in her way made room for her to pass. She's been having a terrible day so far! She argued with both Spring and Fox over something she doesn't even clearly remember herself, but it ended up with her and Fox storming out of Spring's shed. Meg honestly felt kind of bad for the dude. He always had to pick sides, and when he didn't want to do that, they got angry at him. Meg finally forced herself to stop and take a deep breath. She really had to chill out. But as she saw Bon and Bonnie walk past her, hand in hand and smiling sickeningly sweetly at each other, she got even more pissed. Of course, everyone had to rub in the fact that they had found their soulmate already. Everywhere she went, she would feel a sting of jealousy whenever she saw two people share a love she didn't have.

Maybe it wasn't fair of her to be so jealous of others, but damn she wanted the same love everyone else had. She stomped her way into her classroom, ignoring the fact that she was 10 minutes too early. A boy with brown hair in a ponytail looked up in surprise, but Meg couldn't see what his other eye color was. Not that this kid would be her soulmate or anything, but y'know, she was just curious. Meg slammed her backpack onto the ground next to her desk, and dropped her head onto the desk. God, she was annoyed as all hell..... She took out her phone to check if she got any messages from Joy, and indeed, there was one. A picture, huh? Meg opened it up, only to see......

A goddamn picture of those two O and O fools from the Nightmares, or whatever the fuck there names were. The smaller blue-haired one was biting into the arm of the tall orange-haired one. And the captions underneath the picture said: 'OMG, MEG!! THEY'RE SOULMATES!!' Meg noticed the two boys indeed shared one matching color at their right eye. In a fit of pure frustration, Meg threw her phone right behind her.

"OUCH!" Oops.

Fuck. She completely forgot that boy was sitting behind her.

"Agh, crap! I'm sorry!" Meg abruptly turned around, feeling guilty about the outburst she just had.

"'s okay!" The boy held a hand over his right eye with a pained expression on his face.

Goddamn it, Meg.....

"Damn, I shouldn't have thrown that thing..... Sorry, I forgot you were behind me....." Meg quietly picked up her phone, surprised it didn't gain any damage.

The boy merely grunted as a response. Meg calmly took his hand, causing the boy's face to grow red.

"Oh, chill out. I'm takin' you to the nurse's office." Meg headed into the hallway, dragging the boy with her.

Silent whispering erupted as soon as the two of them walked past, and Meg rolled her eyes at it. Rumors, rumors everywhere...... Meg was gonna let go when she noticed the brunette next to her looked uncomfortable, but he didn't let go of her hand, so she just decided to keep walking. They reached the office, and Meg loudly knocked on the door. The nurse was a pretty and tall woman who kindly smiled at her.

"How can I help you?" She politely asked.

"Uh.....his eye kinda hurts....." Meg awkwardly mumbled.

"Freddy, you again? This is the third time this week!" The nurse let out a sigh, before letting them both in.

"It's my fault. I threw my phone at him." Meg looked down at the ground in shame.

The nurse giggled and just waved her off.

"Accidents happen." She coolly replied.

"What's your name, by the way?" Freddy asked her interested.


"Awesome name!" Freddy grinned at her, which made Meg feel fluttery inside.

Shit, he's adorable. After the nurse took a good look at his eye, she gasped.

"Is it bad?" Freddy nervously asked.

"No, your eye's fine, but...." She leaned forwards and whispered something into Freddy's ear, while looking at Meg.

Ugh, she was gonna have to pay for his glasses or something, right? Oh wait. He doesn't wear any glasses. Freddy froze up, and his cheeks gained a color. The nurse wiggled her eyebrows before walking out of the room.

"What did she say?" Meg asked, sitting down next to Freddy on the bed.

" and I......uh...." Freddy stuttered to the point where Meg couldn't even understand him.

"If I gotta pay for anything, just tell me. It's my fault your eye hurts, after all......."

"About that......look at me." Freddy brushed some hair out of his face.

One eye was sky blue, and the other.....was yellow. Her kind of yellow. Meg's jaw dropped. Ohoho, hell no! No way! This cutie definitely wasn't her soulmate! ........or was he? Meg brushed the hair out of her own face, letting Freddy check if her other blue eye matched his.

"Guess we're soulmates then, huh?" He bashfully rubbed the back of his neck, a goofy smile on his face.

"Whoa.....I kinda expected our meeting to be different."

It was quiet for a few seconds before they both burst into laughter.

"I wouldn't have wanted to meet my soulmate any other way!" Freddy cheerfully said in between giggles.

"I gotta throw my phone at cute boys more often!" There was a layer of truth behind those words.

Oh my God, imagine she threw her phone at him again and she'd get another Freddy! That would be so cool! Meg held her phone ready behind her back.

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