Shucks (Love Triangle)

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Requested by: Fxntxme_Foxy

Type: Fluff

AU: None

Pairing: It's a love triangle with Deuz, BonBon and Loon

(Couldn't find a picture of them, so have Usagi instead! ^^)

Third Person's POV:

Two teenagers were arguing with each other under a cherry blossom tree.

"I already told ya to back off! He's obviously gay!" Deuz scoffed as BonBon lightly pushed him back.

"What are you even saying?! He's clearly bisexual or straight!" BonBon argued back.

"Whatever his sexuality may be, he's gonna choose me!" Deuz stuck out his tongue at the shorter girl.

"Ha! Not in a million years! Why would he choose your ugly bear face over my fairly good-looking one?" BonBon asked with her arms crossed.

Ouch. She did have a point there.

"It's personality that counts!"

"And he's known me for 10 years now! How long have you known him, huh? A month or two at best!" She really is getting her facts straight.......

Deuz just ignored her as he fixed his 'neat' clothes. They came out of the dumpster, but for him, they looked decent enough. BonBon was wearing a black tank top and some lime green shorts. Surely Loon wouldn't look at who was the most well-dressed, right? The thought of getting together with the shy boy made Deuz feel fluttery inside. God, he was so adorable....... He was definitely gonna die of cuteness overload. BonBon on the other hand, was more confident about her confession. She's loved Loon for a while now....... Her best friend managed to make her feel flustered like no other person has ever been able to. She just prayed he would go for her. Maybe Deuz wasn't the most friendly-looking person, but he did have an undeniable charm to him, BonBon would give him that. She fiddled with the small bag of cupcakes she was holding. Loon loved cupcakes, and Deuz had just bought him a balloon. It was a pretty nice balloon, though. The both of them had asked Loon to meet them under the cherry tree behind the school. It was a popular confession place, but a few heartbreaks had occurred there as well. Deuz hoped he wouldn't be the one to experience that kind of pain in his heart. And he almost felt guilty for wishing BonBon would get it instead of him. Maybe he didn't get along with her, but it really was only because they were competing against each other over the same boy. Then suddenly, a silhouette of someone small approached them. The brown bangs covering their eyes made it obvious. Loon was walking towards them, somewhat nervously looking between the both of them.

"Hey, pal! Awesome you came!" Deuz reached forwards to hug him, but BonBon beat him to it.

She pulled the smaller boy close to her chest, maybe too close, but Loon didn't seem to mind at all. For a moment, Deuz's hope was shattered until Loon approached him and hugged him as well.

"S-so what did you two wanna meet me here for?" That stutter in his voice just melted the hearts of the both of them.

"I actually wanted to tell you something, Loon......" BonBon began, somewhat shyly looking at the ground.

Oh hell 'naww, she's trying to be cute!

"I wanna tell you somethin' too!" Deuz loudly announced.

"What is it?" Loon confusedly tilted his head at his two friends.

Deuz wanted the balloon to be a surprise for him, but he accidentally let go of it and it floated upwards. BonBon giggled as Deuz attempted to climb into the tree to get his balloon back. He somehow managed to grab it without falling off, and BonBon felt strangely relieved for her rival in love.

"This is for you!" Deuz practically forced the balloon into Loon's hands.

"Oh.....t-thank you....." Loon's cheeks gained a light color as he accepted the balloon.

"Here! I got this for you as well!" BonBon handed him the bag with nicely decorated cupcakes.

"W-wow! Really? Thank you two so much!" Loon offered them a smile.

Cupid was really fucking around with them since Loon didn't seem to understand the meaning behind the gifts.

"Loon, I......." Deuz and BonBon talked at the same time, and they send each other a frustrated look.

"You.....what?" Loon furrowed his eyebrows at the strange behavior of the two.

"I.....I LOVE YOU!" The two of them yelled at the top of their lungs.

Loon just gaped at them for two minutes straight. Were they being serious? Two of his best him? He brushed the hair out of his face, revealing rather apologetic-looking eyes.

"I'm really flattered, and I really do love you both, but....... I like someone else." The statement hit them like a punch to the face.

"You like someone else?!" BonBon asked shocked.

" you know Puppet?" Loon's cheeks went bright red as he mentioned the silver-haired boy.

"That little bastard......." Deuz murmured under his breath.

"I'm so sorry...... I just love the two of you in a different way......" Loon looked like he was about to cry so the two teenagers quickly stepped in.

"No, no! It's fine! You and Puppet, huh? You would make a great couple with him!" As they both said things amongst those lines, their cheeks started hurting from fake-grinning so much.

"R-really? Thank you guys so much for the s-support!" Loon hugged them once again, but it seemed bittersweet to Deuz and BonBon.

"O-oh no! I'm running late for my Table Tennis practice! S-see you two tomorrow!" Loon waved them goodbye before scurrying away.

As he left, the two teenagers were left to sigh.

"Well, shucks...... I really thought he loved one of us....." BonBon muttered dissapointed.

"But that Puppet's a good kid, so at least he might get with someone who treats him right." Deuz lightly smiled at that thought.

"Yeah...... Wanna threaten him into accepting Loon's feelings?" BonBon cheerfully asked.

"Hell yeah, let's go!" And so a new friendship was born.

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