Shine (Golxy)

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Requested by: Nobody :P

Type: Angst


Pairing: Golxy (Golden x Fox)

Third Person's POV:

Fox was currently leaning against the wall of the playroom. He was all on his own, except there was still Loon, who was sitting with his knees hugged closely to his chest a few feet away from him. Today had been pretty awful so far. During breakfast, Toddy broke down and had to be put in the safe room for a while. Due to this, both Bon and that Onnie kid attacked the nurses to try and get her back. Bon played it safe and stopped attacking when a guard ran in. But Onnie continued biting the poor nurse and also had to be dragged away. Then all of them got send to the playroom. It was going pretty smoothly, but then Bon's 'moment' began and he started biting at Bonnie's plush. This caused Freddy's second personality to get triggered and just everyone in the room got involved in the fight somehow. Everyone except for Fox and Loon got taken away to their rooms. Fox didn't really mind Loon. He barely talked to anyone except for that nurse BonBon or as how he calls her, Usagi. He wasn't very violent, just a very nervous and scared kid. Fox still preferred to spent his time with Golden, though. Sure, they bickered all the time but frankly, Fox really enjoyed his company. Unfortunately, he didn't get to spend too much time with him, even on a regular basis. Because well, Golden was one of the most dangerous patients at the hospital. He loved setting things on fire, so obviously he needed extra monitoring. Fox asked the doctors about Golden's addiction some time, and they told him that it was due to the amount of stress he received back when he lived with his family. It had just been too much for the blonde to handle, and setting things ablaze was a stress-reliever for him. This ended up getting his whole family killed, though. At the thought of the blonde-haired boy, Fox twisted his neck a bit. It was a nervous tic he had. Just then, he heard laughter from behind the walls. Ah, that must be Springtrap. Fox had actually never seen him before. But according to the white-haired nurse whose name he remembered as Meg, he was a psychopath who killed people in gruesome ways with a spiked bat. He usually let out a psychotic when not many kids were in the playroom. He did it probably just to scare them. But how does he know there aren't many of them in here in the first place? Fox heard Loon whimper and he sighed before walking over to him.

" okay?" Fox half-hardheartedly asked.

Loon was still shaking but slowly nodded his head.

"I could get Nurse BonBon for you, if you wanna." Fox offered a bit worriedly.

Loon lightly tilted his head to look at Fox. He could see a hint of red in Loon's eyes. The brunette seemed to hesitate a bit before mumbling something.

"Y-yes, please......" Loon murmured, barely audible.

Fox nodded without saying a word and walked towards the only door in the room. Why did he even decide to call a nurse for this kid? Well, he probably needed her. And it's probably also a good idea to stay on his good side. Not that Loon would attack him or anything, but Fox noticed that he and the kids who call themselves Nightmares have been getting on good terms lately. It's best to avoid getting in trouble with those patients. He pressed on the button next to the door that was used to call the nurses or doctors if they needed anything.

"Yes?" BonBon's voice sounded through the small speaker.

"Uh......heya. It's Fox here. Loon kinda needs you right now." Fox quietly said.

"Oh, of course! I'll be right there!" BonBon cheerfully said.

"'kay." Fox replied sheepishly.

For a moment, Fox considered asking her to bring Nurse Chica with her, but decided against it. Chica was his favorite nurse, but at the moment he preferred to be alone. As soon as Nurse BonBon opened the door, someone shouted at her from behind.

"Get Patient Fox over here!" He recognized the voice as Meg's.

Fox wasted no time on running out of the playroom. Usually when he did something good, he'd get a snack from the doctors. Maybe this time he could give it to Golden if he got one. Nurse Meg was banging on Golden's door. A strange smell filled Fox's nose and his eyes widened. Oh, no, no! Meg noticed him and quickly waved him over.

"Fox, please talk him out of this!" Meg whisper-yelled to him.

He kneeled down in front of Golden's door and held his ear close to the metal.

"Golden.......? What the hell are you doing?" Fox tried to sound angry, but it came out as scared.

"I'm so sorry, Fox....... But I can't do this anymore." Golden softly replied.

"No, please! It doesn't have to be this way! This place is shit, but it's way better than the life outside! At least.......for us." Fox muttered saddened.

"Hey.......did I ever say that I love you?" The sudden question took Fox by surprise.


"I guess not........ I love you, Fox. It's a bummer that I'll never see you again........ Maybe in the afterlife." Golden began coughing after he said that.

"O-open the fucking door! Golden, open up! D-don't you dare!" Fox screamed and banged on the door.

"Goodbye......... Remember to shine like me, if you ever feel lonely."

After he said that, Fox didn't hear anything else anymore from him. He was forcefully dragged away by some guards and put into the time-out room. After that, he was told Golden's burned body was found after firemen burst into his room. They were too late, the damage had been done. Fox fell into depression after merely a day without Golden. But there was one thing he would always keep in mind. He was gonna make sure this place would shine, eventually.

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