String (Maipet)

390 10 22

Requested by: PatselStripes

Type: Fluff, slight angst

AU: Soulmate AU (red string of fate)

Pairing: Maipet (Puppet x Mai)

Some explanation before the one-shot:

I don't think these two are siblings. Or at least, I don't recall Ed00chan ever saying they are. And during the song for both Puppet and Mai, Puppet gave Mai a kiss towards the end and she appeared to blush (?) a little bit. I'm not entirely sure if they're siblings or not but I don't think so. If they are, consider this an AU where they aren't related to each other. And by the way, I don't really know anything about the red string of fate AU XD  So in this one-shot, the red string of fate is invisible unless your soulmate is somewhere close to you! If you ever cut it, you'll never be able to see it again. Here's the video for proof :P I think it happens at 2:47!

Third Person's POV:

Puppet didn't believe in the whole Soulmate thing. If you haven't met your soulmate yet at age 17, something's probably up. He was 17, almost turning 18 even. He had been looking for his soulmate for 8 years now. His string only lit up once in his life. That's it. He was tired of waiting. And besides.......would his Soulmate accept him for who he was.......? Sometimes, your Soulmate doesn't turn out to be the one you really love. Sometimes they turn out to be complete bastards. That was actually the reason why Puppet considered to cut his string if it ever lit up again, because he was afraid of who his Soulmate would turn out to be. Maybe Cupid made a mistake when pairing up him and his partner. He was walking down the streets, having on his calm poker face like usual. In front of other people, he was a calm and easily amused guy, but when no one was around, he was a mess. And not a beautiful one. Puppet looked around at the couples walking around. There were many different kinds. Lesbian couples, gay couples, straight couples. You name it. He forced himself to look away, as it gave him a feeling of loneliness in his heart. When will I get to meet them? Should I just date a person who isn't my Soulmate but accepts me anyways? He walked into the park and threw some breadcrumbs into the lake where the ducks were gathered. It was a cliché thing to do, but Puppet always calmed down when he saw the ducks gulp down the bread. Just then, his string lit up. Panic was the first thing that he did.

"Holy-!" Puppet quickly put his hand over his mouth to keep himself from shouting.

He really needs to hide! Puppet climbed into a tree with ease and hid there. What if it's a girl?! Is she gonna be disgusted by me?! He could feel his string slightly moving. Shit, they're coming over to me! Was he gonna cut it? Puppet was already holding his pair of scissors, after all. Just when he was about to cut his string, someone appeared in front of him.

"Hiya!" A girl that looked like another version of him was hanging upside down from the top of the tree.

She noticed his scissors and quickly took them away from him. Puppet didn't protest out of shock. He quickly collected himself again and tried to look amused.

"And who might you be?" He politely asked with his cat-like smile.

"Your Soulmate!~" The girl said in a singing voice.

She looked down at her red string connecting with his.

"My name's Mai! What's yours?" Mai leaned towards him, staring at Puppet with her big purple eyes.

Something about that made Puppet feel warm and fuzzy.

"You can call me Puppet." He calmly answered.

"That's a funny name! Especially considering your string!" Mai laughed a weird laugh.

It sounded a little bit psychotic, he liked it.

"So I guess we're Soulmates then." Strangely, Puppet didn't sound scared or nervous.

All his thoughts about getting a bad Soulmate were vanishing. This girl gave him a feeling of comfort, by just being there.

"Yup! You're exactly like I imagined you to be!" Mai cheered, throwing her arms in the air.

Is he really......?

"Do you wanna come over to my place?? I made mystery pancakes, only my Soulmate will be able to swallow them without getting poisoned!" Mai excitedly bounced up and down.

"I'll try them." Puppet announced, already getting off the tree.

When he landed on the ground, he held out his hand for Mai to take. She appeared to be flustered at first, before taking his hand with a grin. And so they walked to Mai's apartment, hand in hand. Puppet got lucky when his match was made. He knew with all his heart that Mai would accept his secret. She was weird, after all. Just like him. The two weirdos connected by the string of fate, a perfect match, right?

FNAFHS one-shots (English)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें