Jealousy (Fedix)

476 7 6

Requested by: PatselStripes

Type: Fluff

AU: None

Pairing: Fedix (Felix x Fede)

Fede's POV:

I was chatting with a new boy in my homeroom class. He didn't tell me his name yet, but he seemed like a nice guy. It was a little odd that he was constantly winking at me, though.......

"Well, Fede. I gotta say, you're a really cool guy!" The random compliment took me by surprise.

I blushed from embarrassment and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Hehe, thanks! You're also really cool!" I said with sparkly eyes.

The guy's face reddened a bit and he whispered something I didn't quite hear.

"Huh? What was that?" I quirked a brow in confusion.

"O-oh, nothing! So that new Pokémon movie, am I right?" He randomly changed the subject.

"Yeah, I can't believe that movie! They literally just replaced the original cast and-oh my God! I'm just so pissed at what they did! It had so much potential!" And so began my five hour rant on what the Pokémon movie 2018 did wrong.

Third Person's POV:

Felix rarely got jealous. Why would he even need to get jealous? Before he and Fede were a thing, he didn't usually get jealous when Fede talked to other boys or girls. Fede was loyal to him, and Felix knew that. But there was one thing that never failed to make him jealous. People flirting with his Fefi. Call it childish if you want, but he hated it. Especially if it were just some womanizers that flirted with whoever they saw. It just......made him feel scared. He trusted Fede more than anything. But Felix couldn't help but fear for the day when he would choose someone else over him. Not that that would ever happen, of course. The pink-haired boy walked to class with his two best friends, Abby and Lilly. They were talking about manga's, probably the yaoi genre. Fede texted him earlier today that he already got to class early, because he had to finish the homework he forgot to do yesterday evening. Felix didn't question it, that was typical for Fede. Just when Felix opened the door to the classroom, a voice said something very loudly.

"You're pretty cute, by the way. Wanna come over to my place after school?"

The voice belonged to a boy. Felix, excited to see if there was about to be a new couple formed in his class, shot his eyes towards the person who just got asked out. He nearly dropped his books when he realized who it was. Oh my God, this can't be....... Fluffy pink-white hair that's slicked back, pretty blue eyes and a bit chubby. Alright, it's Fede.

"Whoa......." Abby managed to bring out.

Felix decided to be calm about it, even though he was jealous as all hell. Someone's trying to get it on with his Fefi? No way. But calm down, Felix. This isn't the first time, and it won't be the last. Sometimes it's fun to see that your best friend is still well-liked by other people, but if it's your boyfriend, well, that's a little different......... Fede's cheeks dusted a light pink and he gave the boy an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry, I'm really flattered but I'm already seeing someone........" Fede politely said.

Felix's heart skipped a beat at that. See? Fede's super loyal! Why the hell was he even worrying? The boy gave Fede an unimpressed look and got a little closer to him.

"Oh, yeah? And who might that be?" He tried to give Fede a 'sexy' glare, but ended up looking a little scary.


"Ah, that would be me!" Felix excitedly yelled from the other side of the classroom.

Fede's head perked up as Felix confidently walked over to the pair. The other boy send him a glare, which he ignored.

"Yup, this is mah man!" Felix threw his arm around Fede who shyly laughed.

The boy didn't say anything and just went to sit in the back of the class. Felix felt a little bad for him but he completely forgot about it as soon as Fede gave him a quick kiss.

"Thanks for stepping in........" Fede said a bit flustered.

"Why wouldn't I?" Felix asked a bit confused.

"Well.......maybe you would be ashamed to admit that you're my.....y'know......" Fede's voice trailed off as he shot his eyes downwards.

Felix gasped.

"Are you doubting yourself again?! I'm not ashamed to announce to this whole classroom, that you're my boyfriend! And I'm proud of it!" Felix shouted, the last part more loudly.

"Felix, sit down. We all know you're gay already." The teacher grumpily ordered.

Felix laughed a bit embarrassed before sitting down. Fede sat down next to him, and they held hands the entire hour under the desk. Yeah, Felix wasn't worried that Fede would pick him over someone else. Fede was his, and he was Fede's. Simple as that. If that boy tries something again, though, he might show off his jealous side in a bit more of a........threatening way. Not that that would be needed, Felix was pretty sure everyone in their classroom got the message.

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