Eyes (Multiple pairings)

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Requested by: KittenGirl1313

Type: Fluff

AU: Soulmate AU (Your soulmate has one eye that's your own eye's color)

Pairing: Foxangle (Fox x Meg) and BXB (Bonnie x Bon)

Third Person's POV:

Bon and Meg were calmly chatting with each other. Suddenly, Bon asked her a question that caught Meg off guard.

"Do you think we'll ever find our soulmates?"

Meg had to think about that. She was honestly afraid of meeting her soulmate. What if he or she isn't like she imagined them to be? What if they didn't like her? And the chance that she would find her soulmate was very low. She always hid her scarred eye with her hair, so people wouldn't know what Meg's second eye color was. Her visible eye was her soulmate's color. Her soulmate had a yellowish eye color, but so did she. So how would they ever find each other like that?

"I dunno...... I think you have a good chance at finding your soulmate, though!" Meg said, trying to cheer her friend up.

"You really think so?" Bon hopefully asked.

"Yeah, of course! Who wouldn't wanna get together with someone like you?!" Meg asked, giving him a noogie on the head.

"Haha, ouch!" Bon tried to break free from her strong grip.

Meg let him go and they continued walking. They were almost at the bus stop, and both of them knew Joy wouldn't be there today. Joy had been sick lately, and even though Meg really missed her best friend, she thought it would be good for her to bond some more with Bon. They were both kind of insecure about meeting their soulmates, and Bon's hair also covered one of his eyes partly. His soulmate's eye color was a ruby red, and Meg thought it looked really cool together with Bon's natural green color. Meg prayed that Bon's soulmate would be a guy, since Bon came out as gay only a few weeks ago. And as for her......she didn't really care. As long as her soulmate had some fighting spirit, she didn't care what gender they were. After a pretty boring bus ride, she and Bon hopped off the bus. The two of them walked through the school's gates, unaware of the two boys that were currently rushing towards their direction. Bonnie and Fox were racing each other to get the last cups of pudding in the school's garden. Usually, they were sold at the cafeteria, but today was special, even though Fox couldn't remember why. He and Bonnie kept looking at each other while they ran, and Fox realized how stupid that was a bit too late. He harshly bumped into someone, together with Bonnie.


Bonnie was luckily still standing on his feet, together with the boy he had bumped into. He had dropped his glasses, and the other boy quickly picked them up for him.

"Haha! Sorry for running into you!" Bonnie said with an energetic laugh.

"No problem, here are your-huh?" Bonnie looked up and gasped as well.

The boy in front of him had brushed the hair out of his face, revealing one of his eyes had the same red color as Bonnie's. And his green eye also matched with the one Bonnie had. And he also had a guitar case! Bonnie excitedly gawked at him, and the boy's face went red.

"I'm Bonnie! Hi soulmate!" Bonnie excitedly yelled, bouncing up and down.

"I-I'm Bon! Please to meet you......" Bon's voice trailed off as he continued staring at the smaller boy.

This adorable dude was his soulmate?? And he played guitar too??

"Meg, look!" Bon turned around to show Meg his new soulmate.

Meg however, was distracted with something else. The boy that had bumped into her, was currently together with her on the ground, he had only just caught himself from falling on top of her. This of course, resulted the two of them getting in an awkward position. The redhead on top of her stared straight into her eyes. He hair had fallen out of her face, and her other eye was now visible as well.

"Wow, you're partly blind??" How rude.....

"Yeah, get off of me now!" Meg yelled, kicking the guy away from her.

"Ouch! Hey, I was just askin'!" The boy said a bit dissapointed.

Meg crossed her arms and covered her other eye again. Just then, she started to remember what the boy's eye color was. She looked back at him again, noticing the familiar yellow color she always saw when she looked into the mirror.

"You're......?" Meg muttered in shock.

"Wait, you're my soulmate?" The redhead was utterly confused before he burst into laughter.

"W-what?! You got a problem with me?!" Meg fiercely asked, getting closer to him.

"Nah, I just imagined my soulmate to be taller!" The boy continued mocking her.

She growled at him when suddenly, he ruffled her hair.

"I'm Fox, by the way." He said, giving her a charming smile.

Meg's eyes softened a bit as she sighed.

"Meg......" She simply stated.

"Bonnie! I found my soulmate! What about you?" Fox asked the purple-haired boy that had bumped into Bon.

"Found mine too!" Bonnie excitedly answered, holding up his intertwined hand.

Bon covered his red face with his free hand, but a smile had found it's way onto his face. Fox gave them a thumbs-up before turning to Meg again. He put an arm around her shoulder.

"I guess we're a thing now, huh?"

"Don't touch me. I don't know crap about you yet." Meg firmly stated.

"You're fierce, I like that!" Fox said with a laugh.

Meg couldn't help but smile at that. Her soulmate seemed like an idiot, but at least he was a nice one....... She looked over at Bonnie and Bon, who were talking about music. Meg swore she's never seen her friend look so happy before. Soulmates really are amazing, huh?

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