I'm not as think as you drunk I am (Fedix)

532 8 33

Requested by: 1800-TenticalHentai

Type: Fluff

AU: College AU

Pairing: Fedix (Fede x Felix)

Felix's POV:

I was walking down the street with my precious Fefi, we were talking about exams and some other school-related subjects. I wanted to confess to him sometime soon. I was 100 percent sure he was into me too, but when it came to romance Fede was rather shy. So I'd just have to take matters into my own hands. I was about to grab his hand when my phone rang. A bit annoyed, I looked at who called me. To my surprise, it was Abby. Odd.......even from miles away, Abby has a very strong sense of yaoi, so she should've been able to smell my attempts at romancing with Fede. If she interrupts me at a moment like this, it must be an emergency!

"Hello, Abby?" I could hear some kind of screeching in the background.

"F-Felix!~ Hi! C-come over to.....to, uh......hey, Meg! W-whose house are we at?!" Abby's voice sounded very unusual.

"Ah.....Abby? Are you okay?" I quickly glanced at Fede who just stood there in confusion.

"Get over h-here! We're at the eagle's house!" The eagle??

Ah. If I'm not mistaken, the eagle is supposed to be that grey-haired boy that made a cute couple with that orange-haired one. Eak, that was it.

"Why are you there?" Abby wasn't really the type of person to show up at a party all alone.

"J-just get here already!" With that, the call ended.

I just prayed that she wasn't drunk. She was one year too young to be drinking. I turned to Fede who looked at me expectantly.

"It seems as if we'll have to go pick up Abby from a party......." I said with a sigh.

"Typical. Whose house is she at?" Fede asked, already taking out his car keys.

"Eak's house. I'll help you get to it!" And so the two of us got in Fede's car and drove to Eak's house.

There was loud music booming from inside the medium-sized house that belonged to Eak.

"This is gonna be good........" Fede mumbled somewhat sarcastically.

"Don't worry! We just have to look for Abby, get her out of there and we'll be gone!" Deep down, I knew that my plan wouldn't be going as smoothly as I explained it to be.

We walked through the wide open front door into the house. There were a lot of people I recognized from my classes and most of them were drunk. I hoped for Eak that nothing would get stolen. And thinking about him, there he was. He lay on his couch, out cold while a drunken BonBon and Fred were engaging in a heated kiss beside him. I'd better warn Towntrap about this when I get the chance.

Third Person's POV:

Fede somehow managed to lose Felix while he was distracted looking at all the party-goers. He mentally slapped himself for not holding his crush's hand to not get lost. So he decided to go find Abby on his own, since Felix currently wasn't available. Fede had left his phone at home so there was no way to contact his pink-haired friend. He thought about how to find Abby when he came up with an idea.

"YAOI!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

A few people looked up at him before Abby came running towards him.

"Where??!" Her voice was slurred and her eyes were droopy.

"Found ya!" Fede laughed and gently grabbed his friend by her arm.

"Nuuu! I dun wanna go home yeeet!~" Abby weakly struggled but didn't get out of her buddy's grip.

Fede made his friend sit at the foot of Eak's couch.

"Watch her for me, please." Fred merely gave him a thumbs-up which seemed alright to Fede.

"Now, as for Felix......." Fede muttered to himself.

"Shots, shots, shots!" A drunken choir of voices came from the kitchen.

Out of mere curiosity, Fede entered the kitchen only to see Felix gulping down a whole bottle of Vodka.

"F-Felix!" Fede quickly took the bottle away from him but the damage had already been done.

"Fede!~" Felix threw his arms around Fede which caused the shorter boy to blush.

"Agh, what did you do?! Whatever, we need to get out of here. I found Abby so let's go." Fede walked away, unaware of the lustful eye watching him.

Felix hungrily looked at Fede's behind. Damn, he sexy as all hell!~ 

"F-Fede, hold up!~" Felix yelled between giggles.

He reached forward to grip at his crush's ass but just then Fede had turned around. .............oh. Oh, indeed. Fede was completely frozen. His best friend and his crush had accidentally touched his private part. That was bad for his heart......... Fede could feel every part of his body burning, and he just stood there until he finally slapped away Felix's hand. Without saying anything, Fede turned around and walked away, dragging a drunken Felix with him. As he passed the couch again he thanked Fred for watching Abby who surprisingly was still there. And then he realized she passed out. Wonderful. With a sigh, he lifted Abby onto his back while still tightly holding onto Felix's hand. He low key wished Felix would forget what had happened next morning, but at the same time, he kinda wanted him to remember some things. At least the hand holding, not the groping. He threw his drunken friends onto the backseat of his car and drove home. And just by a stupid coincidence, Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time by Panic! At The Disco was playing the entire ride. Yet, Fede couldn't help but smile as he could hear the faint snores of his friends behind him.

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