Snowball Fight (Maide)

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Couldn't find any pictures for them, so I made a quick aesthetic!

Requested by: londonthefuntimecat

Type: Fluff

AU: None

Pairing: Maide (Mai x Fede)

Third Person's POV:

Wow. Yeah, wow. Just wow. Wowie. Okay, WOW. Fede was fucking anxious at the moment. He was currently sitting at a table in the cafeteria with MAI next to him, who was, his crush of course. He had developed feelings for her a few weeks ago, after he discovered he was Bisexual. He always saw himself more as gay, but he knew he wasn't entirely that after he got such fluttery feelings whenever Mai was around. Fede was honestly a bit stuck between confessing to Mai or confessing to Felix. He liked both of them.....but he didn't have the courage to confess to either of them anyways. And why was Mai sitting next to him, you may ask? Well, Fede and his band had performed earlier that afternoon during the school's talent show, and people who had participated were allowed to leave after they had performed their act. So that's why Fede decided to get some hot chocolate from the cafeteria. He wasn't going home yet, but he first wanted a drink. And then for some reason, Mai decided to sit next to him?? It was kinda weird since Fede didn't recall having interacted with her that much before. Maybe one time during a group project but even that does he only remember vaguely. As Fede felt his cheeks grow warmer by the second, Mai spoke up.

"Hi!" She practically yelled at him.

"Uhm.....h-hi!" Fede shyly waved at her before taking another sip from his hot chocolate.

"How can you even drink that without marshmallows??" Mai pointed at his cup.

Oh yeah. Fede usually put marshmallows in his chocolate, but he probably forgot about it today.

"Oh......I guess I forgot to ask for some."

"Here you go!"

Mai took out a small plastic bag filled with white-pink striped marshmallows and without asking, poured them into his cup. The marshmallows practically flooded Fede's drink but he didn't mind. It was a nice gesture of her, after all.

"Hehe, thanks!" Fede seemed to slightly relax.

"No problem!" Though her tone didn't change, Mai seemed more.....shy??

Nah, he was probably just imagining it. As he kept sipping away at his hot chocolate, Fede wondered if maybe Mai wanted some too.

" you also want s-some?" He nervously asked.

"Sure!" Shamelessly, Mai took Fede's entire cup and drank all of it, only leaving the marshmallows behind.

"...........I could've given you some money so you could've bought your own."

"I don't do normal!"

That was true. And maybe that was the thing that really attracted Fede to her. Mai's weirdness was just irresistible. Even the most serious person could agree to that. With a light shrug and a smile to go with, Fede ate his marshmallows and looked around for his band. Lilly, Felix and Abby said that they wanted to see the other acts too, but they should've been back by now. But hey, Fede wasn't complaining. More time with Mai meant more-ANXIETY.

"You wanna build a snowman??" Mai cheerfully asked.

"I......I guess?" Fede thought the idea was absurd, it was freezing outside!

"Alright, let's go!" To Fede's surprise, Mai grabbed him by the hand and dragged him outside.

As soon as Fede took one step in the snow, he immediately wanted to run back inside. And he was wearing a big sweater for God's sake. Mai wasn't even wearing a jacket!

"Ahaha!~ It's colder than I thought!" Mai laughed, but she couldn't keep herself from shivering.

Then Fede did something cheesy. Or at least, he found it to be. With a bit of hesitation, he took off his sweater and dropped it right on top of Mai's head. blunt maybe?? Did he fuck up?! Oh, no he didn't. Because Mai's soft giggles reassured him that she was happy. Praise the Lord that Fede's bisexual distress wasn't taking over at that moment.

"Thank you!~" Mai genuinely smiled at him, and Fede could see a bit of red dust her cheeks.

It was definitely because of the cold. No one would ever blush for him of all people, right? She could do way better than him........ Suddenly, something cold was thrown against Fede's cheek and he yelped.

"Ouch! What the heck?!" He noticed Mai with a bunch of snowballs in her glove-less hands.

"I thought we were gonna make a snowman!" Fede tried to sound just a little bit annoyed, but it ended up sounding amused.

"I changed the plan! Let's fight!" Fede just managed to dodge another snowball coming his way.

Then his adventurous side was acting up. Was he bipolar? Maybe just a little bit. But most of all he felt comfortable just having fun with Mai, even if it was freezing. He picked up some snow with his bare hands and mentally cringed before carefully aiming at Mai's shoulder. She got hit and laughed before launching more snowballs at Fede. Now, Fede wasn't exactly a star in the whole physical stuff, so obviously he got buried in snow after a while. Mai laughed her ass off before offering to help him get out of the snow pile. By the time they went inside again it was darker outside and both of them were trembling from the cold. Fede shakily laughed as he got surrounded by his worried band members. And from the corner of his eye, he could see Mai's twin Puppet smirking at him. Oh no......what if he had to have a snowball fight with Puppet too for the sake of his permission on Fede dating Mai?? Those two were hardcore at throwing snowballs. But just when he was about to go home, Mai blocked his way.

"Hey! You forgot your sweater!" She cheerfully said.

"I-It's fine! You can keep it a little longer if you wanna....." Fede shyly offered.

"Alright!~  But I'm never gonna give it back now!" With that, she took off while spastic-ally waving her arms in the air.


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