When You Flinch In An Argument[Maknae Line]💯

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You and Jimin RARELY gets into an argument but not everyone has a happy day every day. You're just walking into the kitchen feeling a little sick maybe because you run in the rain yesterday to buy Jimin dinner because he didnt eat. So you were about to reach the counter when you suddenly bumped into someone infront of you. You looked up and its a furious Jimin with Water all over his shirt. Not only any kind of shirt tho. Its his FAVORITE SHIRT. "WHAT THE HELL Y/N?! Do you need to bump into me when there's clearly a big ass space in the kitchen?!" Jimin exclaimed. "Oppa i'm sorry its just that i'm a little dizzy that i cant see you there. Sorry oppa" you said while bowing down and looking down. "god created a pair of eyes for you for a reason. Unbelieveable" Jimin said. "its not my fault that you've skipped dinner yesterday and i had to run in the rain to buy for you dinner." you said looking down while taking the Panadol and plain water. Suddenly , your cup fell onto the floor , cracking and spilling all over the floor and you falling down on the floor afterwards. Jimin Rushed to you immiediately and call the other Members for help. You were brought to the hospital and let just say both of you make it up once youre awake.

Tae is jealous because you were bugging on Jin the whole week. Everytime he asks you out or do something with him , you'll always answer "Oh! Jin oppa wanted me to help him today!" , "i'm going out with Jin oppa" and the week goes on with Jin oppa this and Jin oppa that.

You texted Tae to ask if he wants to follow you go to Shopping spree but he didnt reply. You asked him again but the only thing you received was the read sign. You were getting frustrated that you went to his room to talk to him , when you enter his room , he was just doing some random thingz on his phone where you kinda mad cause he could do whatever he's doing right now but not replying your texts?

"Oppa , do you wanna follow me go shopping spree??" you asked him nicely. "Go ask Jin hyung , why do you bother asking me?" tae replied to you coldly. "kyaaa is my oppa jealous??" you said teasing. "you wish" Tae replied not looking at you and you kept on teasing him till he had enough. "Fine! Im jealous. are you happy?!" Tae replied shouting. You flinched and moved back a little. He immediately sat up straight and apologize to you for being an asshole.


You and Jimin were netflix and chilling [stay pure kids.] in the living room watching Stranger Things. When jungkool suddenly took a pillow and threw it at the both of us. "CAN YOU PLEASE JUST SHUT MY PC DOWN AFTER USING IT?!" Jungkook shouted at us. "whats wrong with you? Cant you see we are both hanging out right here? You cant assume we did it when you and taehyung are the ones who are in the room. And its rude to just throw the pillow towards people neither nor the person is younger or older than you." you said pouting while grabbing your belongings and went out of the dorm. Thats when Jungkook knew he fucked up. Cause you didnt shout , glare nor talk to him in a rude way. Once y/n snapped at you with a calm voice means youre dead. And Jimin is there trying call out for you but its useless enough. You already went out. Jungkook was fast enough to chase after you down the street turning you around and hugged you tightly. "im sorry princess , i didnt mean it. I just had a bad day" jungkook apologize repeatedly and hugged you tightly. You just return him another tight hug and siffs in his cologne cause its not creepy at all. You both just apologize to each other even though you both just argue over stupid reason.

Im sorry for not updating😭😭 im sorry if the maknae lines ver is not as good as Hyung lines ver as when im doing this im sick😣😩 i'll try my best to update more better chapters :(💞

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