Y/n X Bts cute moments [hyung line]

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You and the boys are doing a vlive in obviously your room because they said your room is comfier and much prettier than them. [white lie occurred]  You guys have some snacks but most of them belongs to jin since he's just joining us to not be bored and he don't wanna be lonely [just wanna be yours. save me anyone? no? ok i'll go home.] You were reading the comments and one comment caught your attention. "Why does Y/n and Jin look like a perfect parent in this Vlive. IS MY SHIP FINALLY SAILING SUCCESFULLY?" you laughed while reading the comment then Jin heard the comment and said "from this second Y/N is gonna be my wife till this vlive ended. okay jagi?" then you just agreed and act so clingy and very couple-like and the comments was flooding with your ship name with Jin. and #Jin/n was trending for 1 week straight.


You guys won an award and at the same time you were wearing a long ass dress that could make you trip and fall at any moments of your life when walking. You guys went up the stairs to go to the stage to receive the award. You are walking infront of Yoongi since he insisted to do so , as you were walking up , you trip over you dress and you fell backwards but to be caught by Yoongi. You blushed a little and he offered you his hand so that you won't fall again and you were clinging onto his arm as if both of you are in a relationship and you could see some of male idols were jealous at the thought of it. let's just your edits with yoongi are flooding through your twitter so badly that your phone could explode.


You and hobi are going out to buy birthday presents for Tae since it's his birthday. As the both of you walk in to the Gucci store some boys were staring at you and were cooing at your and flirted with you, hobi got jealous and put his hand over your waist while glaring at the group of boys who were staring at your body and glaring at hobi for holding your waist. Hobi and you walk past them and hobi purposely said "Jagiya~ can we buy the presents at other places? there's too many snakes here and i dont like snakes." You just laughed and went to pay for your items before walking out of the shop.


You and the boys are hanging out at Hongdae since it's your day off. Suddenly , the smells of chocolates , candies and alot more are going in your nose and at that moment you saw a candy shop. You drag Namjoon since you and him are holding hands since he didnt want you to get lost in Hongdae. You drag Namjoon and ran towards the candy shop and squeal like a small kid getting a stuff toy. You saw the candy isles and run [dasi run run run? ok i'll go home] towards the isles to get your candy. The rest of the boys just follow and run towards you to catch up too. You grab 3 packets of Candy and ask Namjoon if you could get it. He just nod while smiling and you hug him tightly and he returned back the tight hug and y/n ran towards the front desk while waiting for Namjoon. Then Jin complained "Yah! you've bought her 2 hoodies , 1 pair of Shoes , 4 Accessories and now this?!  You're spoiling her Kim Namjoon" but namjoon only shrugged his shoulders while taking his wallet out. "you could have said No." Jin complained again then Namjoon said "No? to that cute little face? Thats a large crime and i can't say no to her it's hard to resist that cute face." then he walked to  Y/N. [THIS WAS INSIPIRED BY ONE OF THE BOOK I'VE READ. I'LL TELL THE BOOK NAME ONCE I REMEMBER OKIE]

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