Bullet XXX

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I'm just gonna use Black7 when i am referring to Blackpink and Got7. The idea was from a lovely reader jimins_beloved_jams

"I'm sick of being here!" Youngjae yelled at Namjoon. "How long are you going to wait for us to speak to them?! Because it will never happen!"

Jennie and Jaebum couldn't even look up at their own friends. They were so ashamed. "Look, we're really sorry and we can explai---"

"Im Jaebum, the best place for you now is to shut the hell up," Rose gritted her teeth, and looked at Namjoon. "Why? Why did you bring them back? Didn't they caused enough trouble already?"

"I'm so sorry, Rose. We---" Jennie was cut off by Mark.

"What's the first law."

"Mark please---"

"What. Is. The. First. Law." Mark repeated again, looking at Jennie and Jaebum the same way as after tradegame in the Yeontan Hotel.

"An Alpha Wolf should stay loyal to its own members." Jennie muttered out.

"But you didn't." Mark answered, looking up at them with the most pissed expression. He got up and left the living room, followed by the Black7 members.

"Mark Yi Eun Tuan, you stop right there! Along with all of you." Jisoo pointed at the Black7 members who were about to enter the elevator.

"What exactly," He turned back slowly. "Do you want from us."

"Your cooperation, please." Jisoo pleaded.

"Well, good luck with that." Mark chuckled sarcastically, giving Jennie and Jaebum one last glare before walking away.

Namjoon stood up from the couch. "If I were all of you now, I wouldn't want them to come back either," He yelled.

"But you all should to realise that there will be a war going against the Red Skulls and we cannot do this without the three sub-units collabing together as one gang. As Alpha Wolves."

The words that were spoken by the leader of BTS made Mark glare at him with the most irritated expression his face could ever made.

"Fine." He rolled his eyes, and Lisa's jaw dropped. "Mark, are you actually agreeing on this?"

"I'm doing this for Alpha Wolves, Lisa. I wouldn't want to let our Ancestors down."

She scoffed sarcastically before stomping into the kitchen.

"Hey.." Jungkook walked into the kitchen, leaning on the island. "The members are waiting for you."

"Tell them that I don't want to," Lisa took another bite of the leftover pizza angrily. "I just wanna die by overdosing on this delicious shit. So go away."

Jungkook chuckled before lifting up a hand to take a slice, but Lisa slapped them away. "Do. Not. Touch. My. Pizza."

He raised his arms in a surrendering away. "Sorry, can't keep my hands to myself. No matter how hard I'm trying too."

"Shut up," Lisa glared at him, and hugged the pizza box protectingly. "I want them all to myself."

"Whatever," Jungkook rolled his eyes before walking to the refrigerator, with Lisa, who was still holding the pizza box---and following him from behind.

He bent down to take a bottle of banana milk at the bottom of the fridge, giving Lisa a perfect view of his perky ass.

"Geez, why is it so hard to take a bottle of B milk," Jungkook groaned, his hands rummaged around to find a single bottle, causing his ass to wiggle wiggle.

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