Bullet V

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as time goes by my writing skills will be a LOT better so bare w me for now, okay?? 💞💕💫💓

"We saw Namjoon."

There was complete silence for the first time. No one even dared to chew their food. Not even the starving Yugyeom.

Jaebum, "When Jackson and I were scanning through the CCTVs around Lisa's university, we spot a man on one of the footages. He was dressed in black and okay whatever---let's just call him Eggo."

"We suspected that Eggo was conversing with someone inside the school with the chip in his ear. So we inspected the CCTVs inside and saw a student in a hoodie walking out from the school building, following Eggo into a black car located near the woods,"

"Fortunately, before Eggo walked into the driver's seat, he scanned around and accidentally glanced at the camera, revealing his masked face,"

Jennie sighed, "Jackson didn't even need to run a pupil scan on Eggo. Jaebum and I can already recognize those eyes. He was indeed, Kim Namjoon."

Bambam, "So basically, Eggo was Namjoon?" And Jaebum nodded.

Youngjae, "And the hoodie dude is the mysterious BTS member currently studying in SOPA?" And Jennie nodded.

Jennie, "And after he looked at the CCTV, he quickly turned and drove as fast as he could. We thought we could find where his hideout was by tracking his car, not before the hoodie guy at the backseat typed something on his laptop. Then in a blink of an eye, they disappeared."

"W-What do you mean by 'disappeared?'" Jisoo mumbled.

"Vanished. Like literally." Jackson came in the kitchen and scooped some carbonara onto his plate.

Rose frowned, "Where were you?"

Jackson stuffed a mouthful of pasta into his mouth and muffled, "Computer lab."

"Was busy checking the software system just now," There wasn't enough chairs in the dining table, so he sat on the floor. "And guess what's that hoodie dude's strategy to made the car vanish like that."

Everyone turned to look at the smirking man on the floor. Jisoo would thwack him for sitting like that, but she herself also wants to know what the brainy boy was going to say.

"The tactic's pretty simple, but it'll probably piss Peaches off," He eyed at Jinyoung, who seemed too focused on his spaghetti. "It's something to do with the... breaching of our security."

Jinyoung gave a sideways stare. "What?"

Jackson, "It seems like hoodie dude had found a way to bypass our security system, hijacking our tracking computers and making it look like their car just disappered before our eyes."

Jinyoung frowned, "I had made sure that the security was unbreachable. No one except me could bypass it."

"Yeah, but someone like Yoongi can."

Jackson stood up and leaned on the wall. "They are seven members in BTS. The chances of the hoodie dude being Namjoon is obviously zero, as they can't be two Namjoons in the car,"

Jisoo grimaced, "Please swallow before talking."

Jackson still spoke, "The possibilities of Seokjin being hoodie dude is considerably low, as someone who has the same role as Jinyoung has to stay at home everyday to guard the security of the gang. He would be too busy to even attend a lesson,"

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