Bullet IV

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"Excuse me?" He was taken aback by what Lisa retorted. Well, it is true; banana milk does taste like crap. She thought.

A group from another bench started howling, "Oooohhh, the nerd has finally found himself a girlfriend!"

"Oh I totally ship them! I wonder how will their kids look like!"

"Puberty is never going to hit them."

"How do their parents even look like? I mean, they look so retarded!"

"Bet they came from the trash can."

"No, from the drains."

"Trash can."


"Trash can!"


"The school's toilet bowls!"


The guy sighed. "Its everyday bro."

He raised his chopsticks and picked up his udon noodles, slurping it loudly. Muffling out, "Hmm.. this shit's pretty good. Heard you're the new senior here, why'd you come here?"

Lisa raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? SOPA's one of the best schools in Korea."

He eyeing at her warily, biting into his apple. "Yeah, but the discipline here is pretty low."

She couldn't help but roll my eyes. "I came here to study. Not to get disciplined, or make friends."

"My name is Jeon. You?"

An irritated sigh came out from her. "Didn't I said that I didn't want to make new friends?"

He shrugged and chewed on a fishball. "Too late."

Lisa eventually smiled to herself. "I'm Lisa, the girl version of a nerd like you."

'Jeon' wore a white t-shirt and jeans. His hair was raven black and he had a lot of piercings. Around seven?

A loud slurping caused her to snap back to reality. "Done staring?" He raised an eyebrow, and Lisa quickly looked away.

Everyone continued their classes after break. They harshly shoved Lisa out of their way, causing her to scowl. Jeon, who was also being pushed and made fun of, mouthed another its everyday bro before walking into his class.

I guess its everyday bro.


The poor girl rather walk the 20 kilometres back home because she didn't want to get bullied in the bus again. But before she could, her chip beeped again.

"Yes, Jendeukie?"

"It's JB here now. Why did you turn away from the bus? Don't tell me you're going to walk home. What if someone follows you?"

Lisa did not want to admit that she was afraid of getting bullied. "The bus makes me wanna puke."

"Just take the goddamn bus, there's medicine in the house to treat your dizziness. And your tattoo isn't covered properly."

Lisa frowned and stared at her tattoo. Jaebum was right. She went to adjust the sweatband to cover it. "Jae, how could you see me now? Like, how did you know that it wasn't covered?"

"There's CCTV just right in front of you. On the lampost, a few metres in front of you. Out."

"Bet you look as ugly as your mom." A girl chuckled and walked past Lisa.

Bitch, just wait till I take off all my disguise and you'll kneel down before me and begging me not to pull that trigger on your ulgy ass face.

"I swear! This was the guy I saw just now! I even sat beside with him during Physics classes!" Lisa pointed at the picture of Yoongi repeatedly.

"He told me that his name is Woozi, and his real name is Jihoon. But he told me to call him Woozi because that's what everybody calls him. But whatever, he looks exactly like Yoongi, so it's Yoongi!"

Mark hummed before typing something into the computer. "Hmm...Woozi.."

"Lee Jihoon, isn't it?" He asked, and Lisa nodded vigorously.

Mark shook his head. "Nope. That ain't Yoongi."

"What?!" She exclaimed.

"Lee Jihoon is from Busan. Age 21. His parents work in the Seoul National Hospital as doctors. Anddd no, he ain't Min Yoongi. Though they looked alike."

"They really did looked alike," Lisa furrowed her eyebrows. "But, I also met this guy though..."

Mark looked at her. "Hmm?"

"His name sounds more like a.. a surname? I doubt if that's his actual name." She shrugged as she continued, "He wears glasses and braces, just like me."

Mark leaned forward to Lisa, speaking every word like a pause, "What is his name?"


"Dab dab dab dab dadadadadab dab" Bambam, Youngjae and Yugyeom came in, dabbing for no shit.

"Lisa! I taught them how to dab!" Bambam exclaimed proudly.

"Dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab" They said, dabbing before walking out.

Lisa turned back to Mark. "As I was saying, his name was J---"

"Lunch time! Jisoo and I cooked spaghetti, yo!" Rose bursted into the computer lab and grabbed Mark and Lisa.

"Hm, where's that Jacky Wang by the way?"

Lunch was really quiet, usually when Jennie or Jaebum starts to talk, the others will talk too. But now, both of them just ate their spaghetti quietly.

"Yooo, Jennie and Jaybutt, why are you both acting so different today?" The sunshine of the gang asked.

"We saw Namjoon."

happy 100 reads! YAY :D

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