Part 37 (A Glimpse of hope ? )

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Third's Person POV

Forth come and fetching Beam from his Faculty of medicine. It is 10 minutes after 5pm they driving outside the campus area .

Now 40 minutes passed, they still not talking since they leaves the campus. Beam just keep silence even when they reached the public park near chao praya river. It is weekday by the way, not so many people walking around compare to on weekend. It is park where you can see the Rama Bridge with very clear views.

At the west bank of that river you can see Wat Arun the temple of dawn in views. The colors of the setting sun may fascinates ours eyes as we see the most mesmerizing views. You can see some of long tail boats passing by the river and the bridge too. Indeed a life blood of the city. A good spot to spend some of your time after sometime. You just need to stop by.

"It is perfect place to enjoy sunset right? " Forth said as he asking Beam too. They now sat at the pasture serves with the beautiful river with blue skies turn into orange color. Like they having a short picnic while watching the sunset. The skies blue now replaced by orange colors.

"Last time we go here during the night time " Forth continues to said.

"Yeah..." Beam smile. He enjoying the views right now. People passing by. Some of them just walking and some cycling around that  park.

Beam took a deep breathes, he inhaled. " It is indeed a nice views. Thanks Forth. " Beam said as he looking at the clear orange sky above.

Forth actually wanted to make Beam remember about their date at the park before and Beam recalled it too. "I bring you here after our dinner that time. Night time before we headed back. I remember. " Beam said. He still smiling.

" I was really enjoyed that night. You bring me to the warmed place for dinner that time. " Forth smile as he recall back that night, a short date but he remember every details of it and so does Beam. Beam chuckled " You said your eyes was full that time. " Beam said.

"Because i was with you that time. A beautiful yet handsome man like you. I would lied if i said i was not impressed. You are true definition of beautiful, Beam. "

"Cheesy! " Beam laugh.

Forth now is transfixed with the greatest view beside him. So captivate by Beam. Forth smile dearly he look at Beam. "It is true though, even now, you are too. " Forth said to Beam.

Beam shook his head and just smile. Not because he can't say anything to Forth. He just choose to be silence. Untill now no skinship at all. While in the other eyes, they look like just a friends that casually talking and laughing.

They stayed at the park for quite some time untill time passed 7 pm. The sky now slowly turned into dark blue messed with red and orange colors. They drove back to campus town area.


Beam look at outside the window of car. Beam blinks. " You said you know a nice place for dining. I never heard we have one around the campus area. " Beam said.

Forth smile " We do have one place...for us. " Forth said.

Again Beam blinks. They now arrived at the parking lot and Forth done park his cars and hop out from his car. Forth wanted to open the door of passengers seat for Beam. But he already get out from the car. Beam bite his lips...a sudden emotions crawls back to his skin. He just shrugged, then his smile is slowly faded.

Beam sigh "You told me you know a great place. So here it is. Your apartment. " Beam voices come out flat. But Forth seem not yet realized the sudden changed of Beam's mood right now.

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