Part 10 (Love?)

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Beam's POV

Tuesday lunch break, i don't have time to come and joined him for lunch. We have quiz later in evening sharp 2pm.

Here i am sitting at bench, books and note on the table, facepalm myself. Yesterday night still lingering in my brain. Still fresh in my mind that i kissed him. Dared to peck on his lips. I gulped. Well, blamed that rossy lips of him. Dumb head of mine. I am not supposed to felt this way. For God Sake.

What can i do? sighed. But hey, everyone must feel like that way too right?. Those lips. Not that sweet. But he tasted like a mint flavour. Maybe because he smoke?. Come on!, It just a peck. Not real kisses.

No. yess. No. No tongue involved and not even deeps. Alright! This is not part of the plan. To early Beam. Oh Gosh. He the one should be kissing me first not me. Right? He should be the one who lead me. I am not the one whose Pro here.

Fuckkk! What the hell with you my stupid brain. Damn it...we have quiz. Please stop thinking about that stupid kiss. Please get out of mind damn kisses scene. I would not kiss him again.

My plan to make him fall in love with me. Not other way around. FUCK!

And We have a quiz. So focos Beam Focus... you got it. Think think Beam. I hold my book and turn the pages and unconsciously squeeze it. Crumpled it. Why so hard to get rid of that scene... damn it!

"Really Beam, that book is cyring, you do it like that... stop imagine thing will you...tsk tsk " Kit said to me. Shook his head while staring at me.

"I am studying! moron... " I hissed. Obviously that i was lying.

Kit smirk "Like i just know you yesterday Beam... " He got that right.

I bite my own lips. So what?. Study Beam Study.

" I bet yesterday date was something... good? huh... what you did actually? " Pha turn asked me. These best friends of mine always taking turn asking me. If one stop asking and so the other one. I better keep silent.

"Nothing... just dinner... " I said. Telling them about what happen not gonna help at all. They will only add that fact to their daily joke. And i am not that please anyway.

"Really? " Pha smile at me. No i am not gonna tell him and Kit. Full stop.

"Quiz Ok... study... geezeee " I Hissed.

Lucky, they stop asking me. We have tough quiz after this. Fuh!

I am not that smart like my two best friends here. But this evening quiz i know i can nail it.

After the class finished. My mind blank. Empty. My brain already worked so hard on the quiz. And i am so tired. BUT my plan...

Should i ask him out with me? But i am lazy to drive that far... Invited him to my apartment? I can cook for him. I have new movie that i not yet watch it too.

Sound like a plan... well.... Good idea. I text Forth right away.

Hi Forth... Dinner and movie at my place... sound good?


Forth's POV

I don't know what happen to me. I can sleep well last night. But this morning. Like yesterday i felt so weird in my heart. Again.

Thump Thump Thump.

My heart beating loudly. I am afraid somebody can hear it.

Maybe not... my stupid friends not saying anything tho. Now my friends is kinda deaf? Possible. Oh damn!

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