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Thirds Person POV

Beam worried about his status. He does not want his friends Pha and Kit know about the latest news he received from his own mother.

Beam not gonna tell them that he was all alone now. He totally don't want anyone give him sympathy look. It is enough that Pha and Kit knew a little about his family.

That is more than enough. If he must work his ass off to get back the status he used to have then be it.

He is determined to maintain his current lifestyle.

The word  'father' already no longer in his dictionary. Now this word ' mother ' also no longer exist in his life. Not when both of his parents does not want him in their life.

His life is pathetic? It is. He laughing. He is cyring. When he going back to his dorm. He cyring out to the content.  Out loud.

Did he deserved to be like this? What did he do to be treated like this by his own parents?. So many question pop out from his mind. But still, no answers can defined it. Did they hate him that much? Did they regret it that he was born as their child?. Why?

Beam were together with Pha and Kit during lunch break. They still has evening classes at 2 pm after lunch.

That when he again overheard something that make he think deeply.

"Did you heard that Ai Pring is worked as escort? That girl is never ashamed don't you think ?  " Beam heard that.

"No wonder she can afford lot of branded item. She sell her body. " Beam heard all of it.

That was not his first time heard that kind of gossip about Ai Pring. But before he just does not care about it. Not untill now.

Beam then decided to sent text message to Ai Pring. Luckily he still have her number since they are classmate. They are once work as same group for assignment during their first year. Ai Pring also interested with his Friend Phana. Probably already moved on. Since Pha got himself a boyfriend Nong Wayo. Also their junior during high school.

Ai Pring... This is me Beam... can i talk to you later... meet me at Starbucks na... i'll waiting for you at 6 pm.

Ok Ai Beam. Pring replied to Beam

Beam really want to know something about Pring. Beam know that kind of gossip that flooding around the faculty might be true. So far he is interested to know more about Pring.

At the Starbucks 6 pm

Beam arrived first. He then straight order the drinks for both of them. 5 minutes after 6pm, Pring arrived.

"Sorry for being late na Ai Beam..." Pring apologized to Beam then take a sit across Beam.

They sit at the table for two at the end of corner inside of that shop. The space is more convenient to talk too. A bit far from the rest of table. Make it suit for their talks.

Pring know that Casanova in front of her want to talk something serious with her. Although they are classmate but they are not that close either.

Silence. They sip the drinking. After couple of minutes silent, Beam began to talk. No. He is asking.

"Thanks na Ai Pring... i hope i am not disturb your time. " Beam smile and stare at Pring in front of him.

" Its ok Ai Beam... i am not that busy anyway... So why you want to talk with me? ... far away from campus... so anything? " Pring ask Beam.

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