Part 5 ( It is worthy )

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Third's Person POV

At the class, Beam just can't focus on Dr. Kanttaya's lectures. Why?.

He just left his soul, that probably still wandering around at Engineering parking lot.

After what happen during that lunch break. He drive his car. His palm sweaty. His both leg'a become weak. Jelly. He is that nervous.

He recall back what he just said at that parking lot.

"I was rushing back to the medical faculty and can't be long... can you give this to your 2nd Year Leader Ai Forth... please na... "

What he just said was true. He is rushing because of Nong Ming. Usually during that time Ming will come after he drop Kit at Faculty Medicine. Plus he barely have enough time to take his lunch since their class start at 2pm.

He just gave Forth's junior one of big clue about him that time.

Beam pratically said that he is rushing going back to his Faculty as the clue. He just hope that Forth's junior words, can helped to completed his plan.

And now?. Beam sigh for umpteenth time. Will it worked?. Will those junior expose what he said that time to Forth?. He asking himself. He keep biting his lips. Shaking.

No note has be taken. He is not listening at all during that 2 hours lectures.

Time showed 4pm. They finish their class. That class actually start early 1 hours. Normally they finish at 5pm.

What should i do now? Beam asking himself.
Going there? Waiting?

Did Forth even care about the roses that i send?  So many question pop out from his mind. He sitting at bench just outside of lecture halls. Suddenly,


Pring make Beam surprised by her action that he almost fall from the bench. Pring laughing so hard when she saw Beam reaction.

But then she realized that Beam was not amused at all. Like he lost his soul. But he is. Blank face. Question mark on his face. Pring know that must have something to do with the Moon of Engineering.

"Why are you silence ? Are you Ok Beam?  " Pring ask. She is concern.



Silence broke

"I am fine... I just hoping that my plan worked... i give him so many clues already... unless he never read that card. Then i need to start the new plan... " Beam sigh.

Pring sigh " Just followed the flow... " Pring said. Pring taps Beam's shoulder.


Beam still Beam. He just blur. Both of them sigh. Pring is worried if Beam's plan working, that Beam will be hurt later. She and Beam both can't predict what will happened later. A player like Forth. Beam can be end up be trap by his own plan.

But then she is happy too if this plan worked. Still, Beam just do it with a flow. So does Pring. She decided to trust Beam and pray for him.

For someone that never be on their shoes. This choice of life is pathetic. But you are in the jungle. Juggling your own fate. To Survive or not. Once you toss the ball in the air, then add another balls. Continuously toss the ball to keep it in the air while handling another balls. At least you still have a lot of ball remained even if one ball out of the reach and keep going.

For someone like you Beam, i am understand where you stand at. I am lucky enough for Auntie Jane helped to pay my education. But you... Pring sigh. She can't said those word. She keep it on her mind. 

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