☁️Sero x Reader (Fantasy AU): The Baker's Boy

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For my pal, SailorCorinna, since we have been binging the Great British Baking Show together.

Description:  Sero is Irish. Iida is your quirky knight escort. Bakugou is the blood of the dragon. Go have fun. 

I will probably do more of these Fantasy AU ones. I enjoy the world-building.

You lazily awoke from your nap upon the hillside by the river. A large oak shaded your face, spreading sprinkles of sunlight between its branches as they swung in the breeze. Though even at the very edge of your property, the town bustle was inescapable; you could hear it all the way up here.

"Lady L/N!" A loud but kind voice rang out, signaling the end of your beloved relaxation. You descended the knoll with grace, noting your father's carriage waiting along the path.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Sir Ingenium." You extended a hand and he helped you over the twisting tree roots.

"The pleasure's all mine, my lady." He kissed your hand and opened the carriage door in a much too swift motion, but you were used to that sort of thing at this point. "And please, how many times do I need to remind you to call me Tenya?"

"At least once more, my brave knight." You replied with a perfectly trained simper. Though humorless he could be at times, you were beginning to warm up to him. Father always insisted on you having an escort in your daily travels, and no less than a man of his nobility would be suitable enough for the job. You had unfortunately learned this the hard way when you allowed the young blacksmith to walk you home one evening. This resulted in fingers pointed at your back, and your reputation became instantly tarnished as "one who canoodles with lowborns." The very notion aggravated you; Midoriya was never the sort to have questionable honor. In fact, he probably groveled more at your status than even your father would deem necessary.

Honestly, if your father had his way you would be wed to the tyrannical Prince Katsuki himself, a proposal that terrified you. Rumors say that whomever he claims as his bride will be doomed to give birth to a half-dragon, as the magical fire with which he reigned was believed to reside within the Bakugou bloodline. You knew this was silly, as all the Bakugou children were indeed just children. However, even though your father hadn't pressed the issue since your initial objection, you knew the real reason you were gifted this new luxurious dress today. It was all in the hopes that you might catch the royal eye.

T'was that time of year again, that of the annual folk festival. Your mother always referred to it as a peasant affair, but you couldn't help but look forward to it. The carriage rumbled along the cobblestone path, drowning out your suitor's tiresome droning about keeping the Kingdom's peace. The horses spooked when a crowd rushed them; all the townsfolk wanted noble lords and ladies to favor their goods. This was no surprise to you, but as you got closer to your destination, the horde thickened. The entire square was full to the brim. When your patience began to wear thin, you leapt out of the halted cart.

"My lady!"

You stood on your tiptoes in an attempt to see over the crowd, but it was no use. You approached a nearby gentleman in a suit.

"Excuse me, my lord. Could you tell me what's going on?" The young man turned and flashed a crooked flattered smile.

"Beggin' your pardon, m'lady. I'm no highborn, so there's no need for that there formality."

"Ah, yes. You're the baker's boy, aren't you? I hardly recognized you."

"Ya caught me red handed, m'lady. Hafta admit that I'm puttin' on airs today." He adjusted his coat and you couldn't help but smile at him.

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