Chapter 24

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9 months later


I'm due to give birth in a couple days and I'm excited to meet my little girl.

While I was doing dishes, I felt extreme pain in my stomach and I fell to the floor holding onto my stomach. My mom came running into the kitchen to see what happened.

When she saw me on the floor screaming in pain, she called for an ambulance and called Hobi to tell him to meet us in the hospital and he said that he'll get there as fast as he can.

I was in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, and I kept screaming in pain from the contractions.

I arrived at the hospital 5 minutes later and my contractions were getting closer together.

Hobi's POV:

I arrived at the hospital with my members. I ran directly to the receptionist to ask where my girlfriend was. She said that she's getting prepped to give birth and asked who I am to her.

"I'm her boyfriend, the father of the baby." I told the receptionist.

"I can have someone take you to her room but you'll have to wait outside." The receptionist told me.

"Okay." I said.

A nurse came and took me to Y/N's room and I sat down in a chair outside her room. I heard screaming and it sounded like Y/N, I wish I was able to be in the room with her through this.

I waited in the hallway for what seemed like ages but it was just 13 hours.

A doctor came out and saw me.

"Excuse me, are you Y/N's boyfriend or husband?" The doctor asked me.

"Yes I am sir." I answered him.

"Well then come on in." He said, when he opened the door.

When I walked in, I saw Y/N laying in the bed and a baby in her arms. I smiled when I saw them.

I walked over to them while still smiling like a maniac.

"Hobi do you want to hold your daughter?" Y/N asked me.

"Of course I do." I answered her.

She handed me our daughter and she looked so cute in my arms. I started getting teared up. She grabbed my finger and made my smile even bigger.

I looked at Y/N and she gave me the sweetest smile anyone could ever give someone.

Y/N had to stay at the hospital overnight so the doctors can make sure everything is okay. I said that I'll sleep on the couch in her room after I tell the guys that they can go back to the dorm.

After they left, I went back to Y/N's room and laid down on the couch and I looked at Y/N to see that she was already fast asleep. So, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Wrong Number // J.H. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now