Chapter 7

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"Hello Y/N, nice seeing you again." Hobi said, while waiting to order.

"Hi Hobi, nice seeing you again too." I said, drinking my drink.

The waiter finally came and took Hobi's order and walked away to get his drink made.

"Ummm Y/N, I need to tell you something important." Hobi said, worried.

"Is everything okay Hobi?" I asked, concerned.

"It's nothing bad, I just haven't told you something that you should know."

"What is it?" I asked, wanting to know what's going on.

"Well, do you know a group called BTS?"

"No, I don't listen to music much since I'm so busy."

"Well, here's the truth. I'm part of that group and...." He sounded like he wanted to tell me something else but couldn't.

"What's going on Hobi?" I asked him.

"Well, I'm a K-Pop idol." He said, worried.

"Wait, so you're famous and you go on tours, that kind of idol?" I asked, not believing what he said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you. I was afraid you would leave and never talk to me again." He said, sounding like he was about to cry.

"Pabo, I would never leave you or stop talking to you all because your a K-Pop idol."

"Really, you mean that?" He asked me.

"Of course I mean it, I don't care about labels. I only care about how you are as a human being not some label that someone put on you." I said, reassuringly.

"Oh my god thank you, I really thought you would leave me because of that." He said, sounding relieved.

"I go by someone's personality, not what they do as a living." I said, making him smile.

"Well, thank you. You're the best Y/N."

"I'm not perfect, but neither is everyone else." I said.

The waiter came with Hobi's drink and after 20 minutes of talking we decided to go to the movies.

We couldn't agree on what to watch until we found a movie poster. Then we both agreed on seeing a movie called 'The Notebook' I've always wanted to see it but didn't know it was in theaters yet.

After we played for our tickets and snacks, we went inside and sat down. The movie started 3 minutes later, so we both watched it.

By the time the movie ended, it was already 5 pm. My house was about 30 minutes away from here. Hobi offered to walk me home, so I accepted his offer because I know it's not safe to walk alone at this time of day.

When we arrived at my house, my mom just got home and saw Hobi standing next me. She came over to introduce herself to him and he did the same.

After the introductions, he said he needed to go. So, he called someone to come pick him up. I offered to stay with him until his ride came and he accepted.

About 15 minutes later, his ride came to get him. He got in the car and waved his hand while saying goodbye to me and I did the same.

When he left, I went inside to get ready for bed because I was tired from today. My mom was worried and asked me why I'm skipping dinner and I simply told her I just tired. So, she went back downstairs to eat her dinner.

I laid down on my bed, watching a K-Drama. After 20 minutes of watching the K-Drama, I got sleepy so I put my computer back on my desk and went to sleep.

Wrong Number // J.H. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now