Chapter 14

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I got up and looked who was calling me at 3 in the morning.

I picked up my phone and answered it after seeing it was Hobi calling me.


"Hey honey."

"Hi Hobi."

"I know it's early in the morning and I know I woke you, but I called to tell you that me and my members landed safely."

"That's great to hear Hobi, I'm glad."

"I figured it would be."

"So how was the tour?"

"It was tiring."

"Are you guys tired?"

"No we slept on the plane."

"Oh okay that's good."

"One of my members asked when they're going to meet you."


"Yeah and I wanted to ask when you're able to."

"I don't have school tomorrow but I do have work, so maybe I can meet them tomorrow at my work during my break. Only if you can."

"When is your break?"

"At 12 pm."

"Okay we'll come before that because we will order stuff from there to eat and drink."

"Okay, well it's today actually since it's 3 in the morning."

"True, so I'll let you get some sleep and see you at your work later."

"Okay, see you later."

"Love you honey."

"Love you too handsome."

After we hung up, I went back to bed to sleep for few more hours. When I laid down in my bed, I closed my eyes thinking about Hobi and meeting his members.

Hobi POV:

After I got off the phone with Y/N, I went to Namjoons room and told him that they'll meet her at her work at 11 am to eat and drink there. I told him that they'll meet her during her break.

I went back to my room after telling him. I went to take a quick shower before heading to bed. After I got out of the shower and putting my sleeping clothes on, I went and laid down on my bed. I closed my eyes thinking about Y/N and the excitement of seeing her again.

Wrong Number // J.H. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now