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My eyes go wide and I let go of Slenda's hands because I don't want to squeeze them to death. "The Goatman? What would he want with me?" My clenched fists are turning my knuckles white and the blurriness in my left eye is getting worse. If its not one thing, its another. When am I ever going to get a break? Probably when we're dead. I roll my eyes at my voice's comment, but he's probably right. "Y/n, calm down. I know what you're thinking and we don't know if its even The Goatman. Its only a hypothesis." I look back at Slenda and try to calm down with some breathing. "I'm sorry. Its just I'm so tired of bad things happening to me. Its always me." She stands up and hugs me, "Its okay, I understand. But like I said, its only a guess if its him and if it is, we'll handle it okay?" I smile and return hug. At least I'm not alone. "Okay, thanks Slenda. I love you." "I love you too Y/n." We break the hug with a kiss. "I guess I need to go apologize to the girls. I feel bad about how I was to them." I frown. "Don't worry Y/n, they'll forgive you, especially Jacky because she wants to go on y'alls date today." I smile, "Then I better go make peace."
I snap my fingers and teleport to the living room. All the girls are there doing their own thing. I greet them with a small wave, "Hey girls." They all look up from what they're doing and give me a worried look, except for Sally, she just runs over to me and I lift her up in a hug. "Hi Y/n. Are you still mad at us?" I pull back from her and look at all of them, "Girls, I'm sorry that I got mad. I wasn't angry at any of you, my emotions just overwhelmed me for no reason." Angel closes the book she was reading with a thud, "Well Y/n, if you aren't mad at us, then what are you mad at?" My head is starting to tense up. I close my eyes and take a deep breath to try to prevent it. "Y/n?" I open my eyes to Jane calling me, "Are you okay?" I shake my head to try to make it go away, "I'm fine. Just preventing a headache."
I set Sally down and proceed to answer Angel's question. "Listen, I'm not mad at anyone, but I'm just not myself right now. I just talked to Slenda and we think something or someone is messing with me." "Who does Slenda think it is?" Benny asks for the crowd. "She thinks it may be-" "The Goatman." Slenda appears out of nowhere behind me, causing me to jump a little. I look at her as I try to get my heart back starting, "You just had to get me back didn't you?" She let's out a small chuckle and hum, "It was only fair." I give her a small sneer, "I'm already paranoid about The Goatman possibly after me, I don't need my girls making me paranoid too." "Wait. Why do we assume The Goatman is after Y/n?" Jess asks the million dollar question, which makes the rest of the girls murmur in question too. "Because of the bird that attacked him on the island. Like everyone knows, nothing should be on that island, except for occasional seagulls, but that's it, and what attacked Y/n, wasn't no seagull, so we can only assume it maybe The Goatman."
"Could that explain why Y/n has been having the headaches and mood swings?" "It's a possibility Jill, but we don't know yet." Ann informs us all. "Then how can we prove that it's The Goatman?" Jacky asks a very good question. I look down at Slenda, "Yeah, how can we prove it?" "I'm going to try to track him down." "That's gonna take a lot of time." Jill laughs at Clockwork's pun and attempts to give her a high five, "Good one Clockwork." Clockwork hesitantly returns the high five, "That pun wasn't intended, but whatever." "I agree with Clockwork on that one Slenda. How long do you think your tracking is going to take?" She holds my hand and gives it a little squeeze, "I don't know, he could be anywhere at any moment. So that's why I want at least one of you girls to be with Y/n twenty four seven." All the girls cheer and my cheeks flash red. Oh boy.
"But, one at a time preferably, starting with Jacky because she has a date with Y/n today." They all groan at that except for Jacky of course. "But remember girls, this is just temporary because of Y/n's well being. Also, I still want all of you to keep a lookout for anything suspicious when you're with Y/n, like animals or people following you." Angel comes over and throws an arm around Slenda's shoulder, "Don't worry Slenda, we'll take good care of Y/n." Angel sends a seductive wink my way and I can't help but heat up. Yeah sure, good care means sex, except for Sally, we'll probably just play and drink tea. "I know you will girls, but now if you'll excuse me, I have to get to work." She kisses my cheek then teleports to wherever, leaving me in front of Sally and the sexed craze girls.
"Heh. Um Jacky, are you ready to go?" She comes over and hooks my arm, "Yeah, we have a walk to go on." I arch a brow and look at her, "You just want to go on a walk?" She shrugs, "I also got a picnic basket, I thought we could have a nice lunch together, just me and you." "Awe you don't wanna share Jacky?" Benny teases and I can only assume she's giving Benny a death stare. My cheeks heat up, so I think we should get out of here, "Come on Jacky, let's go." I escort her out the door. "Bye Y/n! Bye Jacky!" Sally yells as we leave and I return the farewell with a wave. At least my headache will subside for now.

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