Seeing Aaron

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~Aphmau Age 18~
Kawaii-Chan is taking care of Dahlia today while Laurence and I meet up with Aaron. We are heading over to his house now actually. I wonder how he will react about me getting involved with my dad again.

We headed up the stairs to his door and knocked. A little girl answered the door.

"Hi! Who are you?" I bent down.

"Hi, my name is Aphmau and this is Laurence." I pointed toward Laurence. "We are here to see Aaron, is he here?"

"You mean daddy right?"

"Yes?" I looked over at Laurence and mouthed 'he has a kid?'

"I'll go get him." She leaves the door open as she runs up some stairs. "Daddy!" I hear the little girl scream. "Some lady and a guy is here to see you!" I chuckle.

"I'll be down in a minute, invite them in!" I hear Aaron's voice yell back. The little girl attempts to run down the stairs but slips. I run inside and catch her before she lands on the ground. I look up and see Aaron's eyes wide. The little girl starts to cry.

"What happened?" He asks me.

"She tripped on a step and I caught her." He releases a breath before taking her out of my arms.

"You can sit on the couch, I'll be with you in a second."

Laurence and I walked over and sat on the couch.

"So, how's your day?" Laurence asked creating conversation.

"You know what Laurence, I'm having a great day." I replied tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. Before saying anything else Aaron walks in and sits down on the couch opposite of us.

"What brings you two here? Feeling better?"

"We're both doing better, thank you. We were wondering if you'd like to help us with finding the killer of Aphmau's dad." Laurence asked, his hands folded together.

"I'd rather stay out of the act of searching for the killer. But I wouldn't mind doing behind the scenes work of plotting where to go. But I do not want to put my village in danger of this gets too out of hand. Also don't put yourselves in danger to the extent of, well, you know what." So as long as I don't go to the extent of craziness, I'm safe.

"Got it." I replied giving a slight smile. "So where do you think we should start?"

"I say, go to your old village and see if anyone is still there after the accident. Hopefully they have recovered well and have moved back in their homes."

"Okay, thanks Aaron." The little girl walks up to me with a smile now.

"Thanks Aphmoo for saving me." She hands me a flower and runs off. Well she just made my day.

"What's her name?"


"Such a lovely name for a lovely girl." I smiled before Laurence and I stand up, say our goodbyes and leave.

I grabbed ahold of Laurences hand while we headed toward the shop area to pick up food. He stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Are you okay with heading to your old village next week?"

"Why not, what have we got to loose?"

The Shadow Of The Kiss~Larmau~ Book Two Where stories live. Discover now