Katelyn and Travis...

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~Age 18 Aphmau~
It's been five days since I freaked out. I get let out today finally! I also can finally move from just the bed. I'm so excited to get home with Dahlia and Laurence. Laurence told me not to worry about the baby items, that Kawaii~Chan are taking care of it. Everything's going good except Travis. Laurence also told me that Katelyn is going to the Nether by herself, this terrifies me. Its bad enough Travis is there and turned, but now Katelyn is vulnerable and by herself. Once I get out, I'm going to help Katelyn. Laurence doesn't know this, but I'm going to get home and 'go to the bathroom' but actually leave to the nether. I'm going to leave a note behind so he doesn't worry.

I should be fine, right? Not like I had a baby and walk slowly, let alone running.

I am packing all my things, not that I had much. More like some candy, a blanket, and a stuft animal. After that Laurence came to get me, and we left back to the house. He had Dahlia in this baby stroller. She was sleeping, her little lips puckered. I held Laurence's hand while he steered the stroller with his other hand.

We got to our house.

"Hey Laurence?" I questioned.


"I like this." I said smiling.

"Me too." He replied trying to get the stroller up the steps to the house. I kept the door open.

We got inside, and went to our room finding a pink crib with a bunch of stuff animals and clothing.

"Kawaii~Chan outdid herself again." I commented. Laurence just laughed.

"Yes, yes she did." He said.

I took her out of the stroller and placed her in the crib. She started crying.

"What do I do!" I exclaimed panicking.

"How would I know?" Laurence said also panicking.

"Milk!" I said. I ran over to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle which was luckily bought and washed by Kawaii~Chan or Katelyn. I boiled some water in a pot then placed the bottle with milk in it. I waited about three minutes before taking it out. I ran back over to the room, stopping at the doorway. I smiled as I saw Laurence with the baby in his arms cradling her. I walked next to him and put the bottle to the baby's mouth. She started drinking it quickly. I burped her after she finished, and headed to the bathroom with a pad of paper and pen. I wrote a note.

Dear Laurence,
I'm sorry I didn't tell you this in advance, but I'm going to the nether to save Katelyn. She will need my help, the shadow knights are stronger then she thinks. I don't want her to turn also. I'm sorry for leaving you with Dahlia, I will make up for it. I love you, make sure to tell Dahlia that I love her too.
~Love Aphmau

I set the note on the counter and jumped out the window.

~Age 18 Katelyn~
I ran through the tunnels leading toward the fortress. I almost got there but was pulled back by something.

"Hey, watch it!" I snapped. I looked at who grabbed me, it was Aphmau. "Why are you here?" I asked. "You should be resting and taking care of Dahlia." I said.

She cringed.

"I know, but your not safe here, I'm not safe here, it's making me uneasy and overwhelmed just being here. But I didn't want to leave you alone. You don't know what they can do." She said. I realized she was in her Shadow Knight form.

"I know what they can do Aphmau." I said.

"No you don't!" She yelled. She never yells, this is serious.

"I know I don't, but what if Laurence was here and just been turned. You would run here just as fast as me to save him, or help him. But this time it's Travis for me, he's important, and I have to help him." I said tears forming. Aphmau hugged me.

"Okay, I'll let you go. But I'm coming with you, I need to distract my dad anyways." She said rolling her shoulders back. "To kill a Shadow Knight, stab them in their neck all the way through to officially kill them." She said. I nodded my head. She gave me a enchanted dagger.

"I can't take this, you have to protect yourself too." I said trying to give it to her. But she just kept declining.

"Remember, I'm a Shadow Knight myself, I have my own weapons." She said licking her lips. Her vampiric side...

"Aphmau, don't lose control of yourself." I told her. She has that look in her eyes that means she's lusting to kill. I don't like it.

"I'll try not too, but we need to go before Laurence comes." She said.

"Okay, let's go." I said.

We ran for I don't know how long, twenty minutes, and hour. I don't know. But we finally got to the fortress. Aphmau took down the guards faster then I could open the doors. We ran through tunnels and tunnels, finally got to the kings head courters. Aphmau burst in, eyes stained red along with her clothing. I looked up and saw Aphmau's dad on a throne with Travis and Sasha on either side of him.

"Oh Aphmau darling, long time no see. I've been expecting you." Aphmau's dad said smirking.

"Father, I'll ask this nicely first. May we please have Travis?" Aphmau  questioned.

"Sure, on one condition." He said.

"Continue..." Aphmau said impatiently.

"You stay with me, and we can 'talk' like old times." He said.

"Fine, just release Travis." She said. The king pushed him off the stairs and onto me. I caught him thankfully. I looked at Aphmau. She nodded for me to leave. I looked at her wearily before leaving with Travis who was half awake.

I ran as fast as I could with Travis somewhat awake. I ran out of the castle and took a short cut to the nearest portal, and jumped in. Right before I did, I heard a loud scream echoing from the castle.

After we got out of the portal, I ran over to a rock and set down Travis. I kneeled in front of him and tried to get him awake.

"Travis wake up." I begged. I few minutes past and he finally started to open his eyes.

"Travis!" I exclaimed.

"Katelyn? Where am I? What happened?" He questioned. Keeping his right eye shut.

"You became a Shadow Knight. Wait why are you keeping your eye shut?" I questioned.

"It hurts." He said trying to open it a little. I just realized that his eye was bleeding. I took a cloth out of my pocket and put some water from my bottle that was in my bag on the cloth. I started dabbing a little bit of the area surrounding the eye, enough to the point where it wasn't bleeding anymore. I'm in so much relief that he was okay. I ended up hugging him.

"I'm glad your okay." I said quietly. I felt him wrap his arms around me. I somehow relaxed even more. Without any warning I leaned back and kissed him.

The Shadow Of The Kiss~Larmau~ Book Two Where stories live. Discover now