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~Age 19 Laurence~
Hearing that scream made the whole hospital go quiet. I quickly somehow roll myself onto a wheel chair and start rolling the wheels on the side toward the scream. I went into the room which was labeled "DO NOT ENTER" in bold print. I saw a messy sheet covered bed and I heard heavy breathing mixed with crying. The noise came from the opposite side of the bed.

"Get out!" I heard a familiar voice yell. "Laurence I will hurt you if you get any closer! Get out!" She yelled.

"No!" I responded back. I rolled my chair closer. Close enough to see her long black hair draped over her shoulders.

"Laurence go!"

"I will not!" I got closer to her and somehow got myself out of the chair. I sat down across from her frail curled up body that was placed in the corner of the room. "Aphmau look at me."


"Aphmau look at my face. Tell me straight to the face that you don't want me here and I'll leave."

She looked up, her eyes swollen, and tears ran down her face. She opened her mouth as if she was about to tell me to leave but then her face dropped into her hands and she cried. I moved closer to her, slowly since I still cannot move my legs. I moved close enough to hug her. But instead of hugging her, I sat next to her. I felt her move away. I stayed put though. We sat quietly for a few minutes while she calmed down again.

A doctor knocked on the door and walked in.

"Mister Laurence, may I ask you to leave this room. Miss Aphmau said she didn't want any guests."

I started moving to get back to my chair but I felt a pull on my sleeve.

"He can stay." she said quietly.

"Are you sure Miss Aphmau?"


"Okay then. I'll leave you two alone then." The doctor said making his way to the door and shutting it quietly. I sat back down where I was sitting. She moved her hand to my shirt then my neck.

"It left a scar..." she said quietly.

"Nothing big." I said.

"But it is big. I bet it basically killed you. I mean look at you. You're in a wheel chair-"

"And you're in a corner crying because of who knows what happened to you in the Nether, and I couldn't do anything about it." I said cutting her off. That left her silent.

"He tortured me."

"What?" I asked.

"He raped me so many times and each time never got better. He got more intense. He'd use me as a stress reliever. He'd punch and beat me in ways you couldn't even imagine. He chained me on a bed and left me naked. He'd forget to feed me like a goldfish. Nothing ever healed in the process, once it starts healing, he'd open all my wounds and fuck me." She said sobbing. I wrapped both of my arms around her and she leaned on me. I heard the door open quickly.

"Ahh!" We hear a baby squeal. We looked at each other. We see a small little Dahlia crawling over here laughing. "Mah mah!"

"Dahlia! Honey!" Aphmau gasped. She moved from my arms and picked up the infant that was crawling on the ground. "Oh my Irene! Look how much you've grown!"

"Where did the damn baby go?" I heard someone yell in the hallway.

"How would I know? Cadenza was supposed to look after her!"

While Aphmau cradles the baby, both Katelyn and Travis barge in. It's like Aph didn't notice them. She didn't have any reaction.

"Of course the baby came here!" Travis said out of breath.

"Are you okay?" I ask the two out of breath couple.

"Yes." They say in uni0n.

I didn't see that Aphmau had moved closer to me with Dahlia, until I felt a little bite to the finger made from certain little child of mine.

The Shadow Of The Kiss~Larmau~ Book Two Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt