"Hah! You think I'm going to fall for that? As long that bitch is around, she won't regain her memories about any of us because she'll only keep altering them. Nice try but I'm going to become the no.1 hero. So I'm getting out of here and I'm taking y/n with me." Bakugou looked at the villains with determination in his eyes.

"I remember you saying that you didn't care about being a hero if y/n isn't there with you? What happened to that?"

"What I think or say has nothing to do with you. My answer is final. I'm not joining you ever!"
That time, I thought y/n was in danger and I'd never get to see her. But the situation has changed and I've got some promises to keep! I won't give up just yet!

"I'm going to ask you again. Join us. It is for the best or you will simply have to face the consequences" Shigaraki's tone was now more firm and demanding. Bakugou felt threatened and didn't want to risk making any mistakes.

"Consequences?" He asked cautiously

"Yes! Consequences. If you haven't realized, you are not only outnumbered but y/n is completely under our control. Not only can we get rid of you, but we can dispose of her anytime."

Bakugou was taken aback by whatever Shigaraki said but he tried to maintain his cool. "Kill me or do whatever you want but you guys are no match for y/n. You guys can never kill her."

Natasha laughed and interrupted the two. "Well it is true, we can't kill her but I can always alter her memories and make her full of guilt that she'll want to kill herself. That should do the job."

"You wouldn't!"

"Oh yes I will! You see as a kid I've always been discriminated for my dark complexion and you of course know that y/n was bullied as a kid too. That fact alone can get me closer to her."

"So that's how you tricked her you bitch!"

"Haha of course but there's something else that made my job easier and it will make the job of self guilt so much more easier than ever before. Yes! It is the evil that lurks inside her! Her natural instinct!"

"Natural instinct?"
Again! The evil inside her! I remember Aizawa-sensei mentioning that as well.

"Oh my! The lover boy doesn't know? What a pity! Well rest assured. I'll tell you every single thing I know!" Natasha gave her amused smile at Bakugou which only seemed to grow as she continued.
"Y/n is the daughter of a villain and a hero. Im guessing that much you know. But which hero or villain? Believe it or not, she is the unique spawn of 'The sacred shroud' and 'The Demon Dragon.' You might think the sacred shroud is the hero and the demon dragon is the villain but it is quite the opposite. Despite their quirks, they served the opposite role. Ironic isn't it?" Natasha laughed throatily at her own remark. She was getting much pleasure from telling the rest about y/n.

"Y/n mother, the sacred shroud possessed the power to wield light as both offence and defense while healing the other villains, thus her name the sacred shroud was bestowed upon her. But she had to fall in love with the demon hero, didn't she. It caused a huge uproar amongst the villains. The holy villain and the demon hero, that very weird marriage is the reason why y/n is here as a unique being. The mixture of both holy and demonic powers in her. The  power of light and dark together as 'The divine judgment' and a scar of life that is 'the dragon's eye' which you've already seen"

The Dragon's eye! That's her left eye! Bakugou had the face of the person who had just discovered something he shouldn't have.

"I was correct after all. But you see, the power mixture of light and dark was unable to fully merge together and her left eye is the result. That is the evil within her which makes her lose control. I just take that to my advantage to manipulate her and alter the memories to feed her more evil and I can always keep doing it! Hahahaha!" Natasha laughed to her heart's content. "Now tell me, are you going to join the Villain League or see your love suffer?"

"Shut up and stop laughing you bitch!"  Bakugou's face had completely lost color and he was getting more frustrated and agitated knowing y/n was vulnerable in the hands of the Villains.

"How do you know of all these?" Shigaraki finally questioned.

"Kid! I wasn't simply sent here by master without knowing anything. I have to know what I'm dealing with after all."

"Sensei? How is he related to y/n?"

"I don't care about any of that. Ask him yourself"

While Natasha pressured Bakugou into joining the League, Shigaraki only carried a conflicted look on his face. He was silent and deep in thought while Bakugou was in a tight spot. There seemed to be no escape from what was placed in front of him especially after knowing there was someone even greater controlling the league.

"So what's it going to be, boy?"


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