Chapter 11: B Rank

Start from the beginning

Yomei sat up quickly, leaving his sensei on the ground and quickly copying the exact hand signs the chunin did just moments before. "Suiton: Mizu Perreto!" he called out, spitting it at the chunin in front of him. The chunin looked into Yomei's red eyes in shock, flopping emptily onto the floor in a heap of mass. The Oto shinobi's eyes stared into the sky with a glassy haze, his last vision a picture of Yomei, eyes blazing as red as magma.

Yomei grimaced at his first kill, pulling out his sensei's tanto that was selectively paced on the side of her hip. He wielded it with a grace of a Kunoichi, swiping it backwards as he tried to distinguish which way was better to hold. Akiko was still frozen on the floor, her legs haven given up on her. Yomei's eyes blazed red as he flashed through the five chunin, his new attained tanto slashing left and right, the only thing visible a flash of scarlet red eyes. He didn't have time for theatrics then and there.

Weapon wielding: +1

<Object gained>

Akiko's tanto- <D:6>
An ANBU's tanto- an insignia of Konoha's ANBU unit engraved on the hilt.

DMG: -50 (direct hit varying between 10-100)

-100 SP

Yomei ended on the ground in a crouched position, all the chunin behind him being sliced and diced into pieces in no less then a second. Yomei felt like sighing, guess the six years of hard work finally payed off. He was going to need it if he wanted to even remotely live through the upcoming shinobi war. What he wanted to be was an S class ninja so no one would fuck with him.

He wanted to be someone that even the Akatsuki would be hesitant on getting on his bad side. He was going to need a foul reputation to protect his home, his friends. And if he had to be a killer to do so, so be it.

He let the bodies drop on the floor, closing his eyes in repentance before standing up and turning to his sensei, his three wheeled sharingan blazing for the first hokage to see. "S-sharingan" his sensei whispered in awe? Confusion? Was that a slight sense of fear mixed in her voice?

<skill lvl up>

Observation - <D:5> {lvl:10}
Use your fickle, feeble mind to come up with an exponential amount of theories, guesses and whatever else you may call Shane Dawson shit like that.

LUK: + 49%
INT: +50%
Success rate: 10%

Yomei nodded and approached her hesitantly, holding his hands up and dropping her tanto on the floor to show no harm. He approached her like a stray kitten, he knew he was damn good but he wasn't on ANBU level. "You have the sharingan!" She hissed out, her eyes narrowing on Yomei's face.

Damn, she thought. She knew he was a prodigy but she didn't know he was a fucking Uchiha! Damn bastard, who did he think he was keeping this to himself? A normal person?

Yomie nodded abashedly, wishing his face not to go a bashful pink at his sensei's words. "How long have you known- how long have you had those eyes?" She asked- no, demanded.

Yomei scratched the side of his neck, oblivious to the outside world. "Just a month or so..." he really didn't think this part out. He literally just messed up his entire plan of action. "A month!" She heaved, her chesty breathing getting louder. "You had them for a damned month and didn't even tell me! You moron! I'm your sensei for Christ's sake, I'm supposed to help you deal with this shit!"

Yomei had the decency to look shocked for a moment. He didn't know that was the reason she wanted to know. "I'm sorry sensei it's just that I-"

A loud scream sounded in the air, both genin and Jonins heads swinging around in shock. Yomei teared up at the sight, his vision going a blinding red for a second before fading away. "Keiko!" He yelled, sprinting over to the sight and immediately impaling the last Oto chunin in the neck, twisting it in harder before shoving the shinobi out of the way.

Yomei paused, tears welling up in his eyes. "K-Keiko!" His voice broke, unable to comprehend what he saw before him. Before him was a pale merchant, still huddled behind two Konoha genin. Stone looked worse for ware, his face a stark white as he looked on, his gaze focused solely on the mangled body that is Keiko.

Yomei trembled slightly, reaching an arm out before pulling it back in, staring down at Keiko's dismantled body in shock. Keiko's legs were unsightly, twisted in a way that no leg was meant to be twisted. Blood encased her whole leg, a jarring wound on her forehead letting more blood out of her system. She was whiter then both the merchant and Stone put together, her face losing its once blushed cheeks.

Her eyes were rolled to the back of her head, her breathing only being heard in slight, pained breaths. "This is why we need a fucking medic nin," Yomei hissed out weakly, pulling Keiko into his arms, flinching once he heard her pained hitch.

"I'm sorry, Keiko this might hurt a bit," he whispered to her, ripping off a piece of his top and tying it to both legs to stop the blood flow. He pressed down on her necks pressure point, trying to release her of her pain. He knew it was bad for the injured to go to sleep but he couldn't bare the pained, twisted look on her face while awake. It was slightly less pained in her sleep so he dealt with it.

He turned around to the merchant, his eyes flashing an unsightly red. "Where's the nearest healer," he hissed out, ignoring the fact the merchants twisted moustache was dropping down to his mouth from the sweat.

"T-the nearest h-healer?" He inquired, his face blooming an ugly red as he got up to his feet shakily. "It is your mission to escort me to my village, you mindless tool." He gained his wits back, poking Yomei in the chest with a short, stubby finger, a grimace appearing on his wrinkled face. "You will take me back to my village." He proclaimed, shaking like a leaf.

He started to break out into a sweat when Yomei glared down at his finger, snarling at him in fury. "If you don't get that finger out of my face you won't be the only one dead." He narrowed his eyes, pushing the merchant away with a swift kick to the shin, sending him stumbling away. He turned around and sent a pleading look to his sensei who was only now getting up, an unknown emotion brewing in her eyes as she looked at her students' welfare.

He manoevered around carefully, stepping up to the merchant and spitting in his face. "If you don't tell me the nearest healers place I swear to god, I will bring a jashinite here myself and take great pleasure in watching you suffer." Stone got up shakily, walking over to his sensei who was looking on sternly.

The merchant glanced behind Yomei and into the forest where the now dead shinobi came from, not missing Yomei's keen eyes. He turned to look at Akiko and then glanced down at Keiko's body apprehensively. He stared down at the girl who saved his life uncertainly, only moving his resolve of steel when Akiko herself picked up her bloodied tanto and pressed it against his throat.

"Nearest. Healer. Now," she hissed out, digging the tanto into his neck. The merchant gulped, throwing his eyes up to heaven as if asking for redemption. He nodded slowly, and when Akiko pulled the tanto off his neck he moved and told them the nearest healers place, attempting to get away before Stone blocked his path with a malicious look in his eye.

"Where do you think you're going?"

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