Chapter Twenty-five II

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Chapter Twenty-five II: Some Oscar-worthy Performance..

You could smell the problem all over the house. In every single room. In every single occupant of the house.

And non-occupants too, might I add..

Ferdie finally moved out! Yaaaaaaaay! I'm whooping with ecstatic joy..

But he comes back for occasional dinners and stay-outs.

Well, that shouldn't be much of a problem now. It's much better than having to see him often..

Okay, so back to the main 'problem'.


Ever since her trip back from wherever that boss of a man/man of a boss took her, she had been very distant and reserved. More engrossed in her thoughts, and there was no way for me to find out what it was she was always thinking about because telepathy isn't one of my numerous gifts.. Roxy wasn't in town, ran off with her 'boohoo'.. And the stupid brother of hers had finally moved out of the apartment, just when I would have actually thought him useful..

Now, there was no one to help drill the information out of her...

So sad..

Oh well, I figured fire was on the mountain when Tobs dropped in yesterday and almost set our tiny apartment ablaze with his fiery gaze.. Something that had to do with a 'date' and a 'news' on the piece of paper he kept dangling..

I'm absolutely sure it has something to do with the man named David cos it's only his name that gets Tobs so pissed, he could have popped a nerve in his brain.. And if Tobias is that pissed, the Dumontes would be too because I overheard Endra on the phone yesterday, pleading with Genny to just drop the issue..

And if it's something so serious that Genny has to pay my girl an impromptu visit, something Roxy baby had warned her never to do, then we all should be at our wits end..

Just then, the answering device machine thingy beeped with an incoming message.

Uh! Info time!

I padded my way to the counter where the device had been placed and plugged into the wall. I caught the it not so far behind me, she too was curious. I'm just glad I know more than she does.

Haha! Sucks to be ignorantly you, little monster!..

Then, I hopped up on the counter and performed a victory dance because no one was around to chase me off. I pressed down on the beeping dial thingy like I've seen Roxy do most times. I flinched back in fright when Roxy's 'not so' ferocious voice poured out of the thing. All the furs on my body were up at attention.

["I better not find you alive when I get back, girl cos if I do, you're dead meat, Endra!.. Dead meat!..]

...What the hell, girl! What the hell.."]

And it went on and one like that for a while and you can't possibly expect me to put it all down with pen on paper because I would do no such thing. That would be completely detestable.

[..You're not getting an award from me, young woman!..]

Kyla hopped up too, inquisitiveness displaying in its big brown eyes. I contemplated pushing her off the area away from my personal space because as you know, only cats land on their paws. Then again, I'm repenting from all of my evil doings and I can't have my babies mad at me for doing them a favour of getting rid of it.

["...What the hell were you thinking, necking David Arden and letting the whole world know about it?"], Roxy's voice continued, this time calmer. I listened attentively. ["I thought it was our own thing? You didn't even tell me about it. Now, everyone is going to be so pissed at you.. They'll all know it's you cos you're so pretty and it's going to be so hard to miss you in a crowd.. Mother is going to be pissed and she'll tell her husband and he, his son. You know how they are when 'The Ardens' are mentioned. I won't be surprised if Tobias employs violence to question you.. If he so much as ruins my furniture, God help you, I'll have your head, girl.. I swear I will..

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