Chapter Twenty-one

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Chapter Twenty-one: Startling Apprisals..


"Alessandra Montez?", came the booming voice of our intruder. I looked up, couldn't find a head, craned my neck up further until I found the face of our intruder.

The guy's like a mountain..

A certain similar person came to mind, but it seemed unlikely.

I eyed him warily. "Who's asking?"

He tipped his head in greeting and completely ignored my question and my partner altogether. A frown marred Zach's features.


It was one of the creepy guys I'd previously glanced outside the restaurant. The one in a black suit whose stare was giving me the heebie-jeebies as I walked in earlier today. Now he has come to talk to me and all I could hear was complete trash.

"Miss Montez, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like you to come with me", he said. I looked at Zach, he looked back at me, we looked at the guy, the both of us too dazed to actually understand what was going on.

"Is there a problem.. sir?", Zach asked. He too was trying but failing to comprehend what exactly was going on.

The strange man gave a strange smile that looked even deadlier than a poisonous snake's venom. The effect was startling, even Kittie drew closer to me and nestled under my arm, using my cup and arm as a shield in case the man decides to start biting.

"If you would please, come with me, I was given strict orders to accompany you", he rolled up his sleeves to look at his wristwatch. "Right about now", he said in a commanding voice, the type reserved for detectives and bodyguards, and gestured towards the exit door. He had ignored Zach completely.

The words I'd being expecting got stuck in my throat.

Bravo! Bravo! Not many people can get me dumbfounded in the world..

Who's this guy? The guts of him!

"Hey!", Apparently, Zach wasn't too dumbfounded because he stood up and came to stand before me blocking my view of the creepy dude, in what you would call a threatening or protective stance, depending on how you looked at it. I almost bursted out laughing. Almost. Had the situation not been dire, I would have.

Seriously dude?! What do you think you're doing? Are you even thinking at all? You're going to place yourself in front of me to do what? Protect me? Has he no eyes? Can he not see the bulk and machoness standing in front of him? In a split second, he could snap Zach in three quarters like a freaking toothpick if he wanted! The guy's like five thousand pounds and some..

"Who the hell are you?! You can't just walk up to us and demand that you want to accompany my partner out without a damn well reasonable explanation", he said in a mocking tone. "She's my date, if you haven't already noticed and she's not leaving here without me! You'll have to go through me if you want to get to her!"

The man blatantly ignored Zach's courageous act of heroism and went on to ask me over his blonde head. "Shall we, miss?"

I'll give him that.. Ignoring a glaring blonde blue-eyed man standing right in front of your face, or chest in this case, is a very commendable feat to achieve and the guy did it without even wavering or batting an eyelash.. It shouldn't have been so hard for him though, he's like 10 ft up there..

Zach turned back to face me with a disbelieving look on his face. He pointed towards the creepy dude, who stood there like he didn't have a care in the world except to see me off. "Can you believe this guy?"

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