Chapter Twenty-five I

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Chapter Twenty-five I: A 'Ole Lotta Spilled Beans..

I heard the rattling of keys and then the door unlocking from my space on the balcony. I leapt and rushed to go and welcome the intruder. I wasn't the only one who rushed forward, though.

The only difference was that while I rushed to lick her legs and leave a friendly scratch on her boots, the other thing stood at a far distance which I would still consider personal space and whined like that wounded abominable wolf in those children's bedtime stories.

Yeah, you better steer clear!.. This human belongs to me, only me.. You can have the male that looks almost like her, I care not..

Endra deposited her belongings on the floor and went down on her knees, babbling like a coo-coo to ruffle my furry ears, just the way I liked it. I closed my eyes to enjoy the very short moment of bliss, but apparently, her attention was divided when the stupid animal gave out what you would call a needy bark. Or something that sounded like it.

Jealous creature..

"Well, look at you", Endra awwed and abandoned me to go over and pet the dog affectionately, and the son of a crap rubbed itself on her greedily.

Hey, canine! Don't get all your mucky scent on her! Ew! Get away from it, girl!..

But clearly, Endra liked it.

The sweet sounds of her laughter further annoyed me to the point of extermination. "You're such a cutie, you know that right?", she continued her senseless prattle and it let out another one of those ear-bleeding barks.

I rolled my eyes and proceeded to go in my cat cushion, before I got tempted to skin the both of them alive.

What?!.. There's no law against 'caticide' and they're starting to look like materials for good quality rugs too...

Ever since this creature from hell named Kyla came into our lives, I've had to share my toys, my treats, my space and even my emotions with it.

They even had the guts to give it the first letter of my name!.. How insulting!.. How low can you both get?!..

That isn't even the only problem. They gave it my bed cushion, my baby blue furry cushion. The one I've had since I could breathe!.. And Roxy came up with the backup statement that I had outgrown it.. Says who?!

I've being so mad since I could remember.. How bad can it get?..

Good thing is, I get to sleep on the girls' mattress with all its softness while it doesn't.. Serves it right for wanting to usurp my position..

I heard the fulfilling noise of snacks dropping into a plastic bowl and I hid my grievances and annoyance for the mean time, and rushed into the cooking place to have my own share.

It is shameless, I know but I'm not about to go on an empty stomach because I was giving a little monster an in-mind lashing.

In its over excitement, it accidentally toppled the plastic bowl of treats my baby girl had dished.

Serves your right, you little monstrosity..

"Hey! Look what you've done now!", she cautioned it in not as much anger as I had been expecting.

Oh well!

Just sweep it up and give it back to it.. It's trashy so it wouldn't mind..

Of course, it didn't.. Eww!



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