Chapter Twenty-two

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Chapter Twenty-two: Richly Handsome Meetings..


Son of a f- bitch!

I slammed the door angrily and walked angrily, as best as I could in high-heeled boots and skinny ripped jeans into the hotel suite that was reserved for me. When I didn't overhear the satisfying banging of the door I had hoped would relieve the lividity in my bloodstream a bit, I turned back to stare at the piece of wood in continuous annoyance. The door was of a quality too high with a sort of iron stopper that the force I had used in shoving it close only ended up with a light click.

I went right back, swiped the key card I was given, opened it and banged the sturdy door again until it almost rattled on its hinges.

Yes! Almost!

Note the word..

In the least, that would cost you a couple hundred of dollars to fix, or maybe even more, you self-centred beast!..

'Uh.. Maybe don't ruin the door before you actually start your stay in the room. You know, for your safety?,' my rational mind provided.

Shut up while I'm mad!, I threw back.

Grabbing my suitcase with whatever abominations I had managed to assemble in such short notice, I stormed into the room I'd being assigned.

He even had the guts to put me in a Regular! A freaking Regular! Even though the cost of one night in this hotel is almost equal to my per annum salary, gross income.. And half, maybe.. I deserve to be in that Executive ensuite with him.. And I don't mean his own, MINE!..

Yes! You heard me.. Mine!

If he has to drag me along everywhere he goes, then I have to be guaranteed of my comfort..

When finally my raging eyes got out of its narrowed state due to the irritation I was currently feeling, and took in its environment, the honey orbs opened wide in absolute shock. Even in my enraged state, I had to admit, I could not possibly ignore how magnificent the small space was. And skillfully decorated too.

You didn't expect less from Mr. D. M. Arden's Hotél Majéstic, now did you?..

The room was very well lit with extravagant and exotic lights. It was painted in rich colours that were greeting enhanced by the lighting. A light shade of cream, with brown and gold curtains and a touch of red somewhere. The furniture were imported and expertly cut. On the walls were rich paintings and artworks from various famous painters, and upcoming artists whom I haven't heard of and could possibly never meet in this life time, but nonetheless could bet they were pretty much famous too.

I even beheld a Ming vase somewhere on that smooth table top by the door, with ballerina figurines.

One word. Aesthetic.

Who am I kidding? This is hugely EXPENSIVE!

Way more than my entire apartment costs!

If my 'Regular' - or 'Standard' as the receptionist called it - is this furnished, I'm not going to even think about what I would see in the VIPs section, or even the Executives.. My mind pictured hot tubs or indoor hot springs, pools, jacuzzis, lavish rooms with glass walls, great view of the city on a well-decorated balcony, a lot of other things to mention.. Ugh! I hear Presidents and Ambassadorial ministers own private suites there..

And the bed..

Oh! The bed was another thing entirely. It was the largest and most inconspicuous furniture in the entire space - an oaken monstrosity with deep red coverlets that was spread neatly with the pair of downy pillows that beckoned me with their ostensible softness. I didn't even want to think about what could actually go down well on that soft goodness apart from sleeping.

Kittie Talesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें