Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen: The Theory Behind Affections...

I was fuming, with ghastly rage when Roxy catnapped me out of the hospital.

I mean, who does that? Now when crap was about to go down, she just had to pull that stunt and ruin my night... Currently, we're going to go back to the apartment to bore ourselves to death...

Foolish girl! Why did we leave poor Endra there with that.. that wicked man? I know you were playing cupid (that baby in diapers with a bow and arrow, always ready to nook and shoot love at unsuspecting individuals), but come on! What kind of friend leaves her friend in the company of a stranger? I'm not sure you know half of what that guy is capable of doing..

He's dangerous, girl. He is...

Feline instincts.

"Where are you? I told you I was going to be at St. Bastian. Hurry up and get here ASAP", Roxy was saying into her answering device.

Hmm! Seems we aren't going to the apartment after all. Tell me, Roxy, what tricks have you got up your sleeves this time? Who're we meeting at this ungodly hour? Anyone in particular I might know?

Why didn't we leave Endra the car keys? That could have ensured her safety...

But of course, she didn't offer a reply. You would have guessed it already. Her eyes and attention were solely on the silhouette of an approaching figure in the dark. I think it was pure luck that she hadn't dropped me yet. You're lucky cats always land on their paws and I have more lives to spare...

"Hi", the familiar masculine voice of the approaching figure breathed out. I snapped my head from glaring ivy poisons at Roxy in the direction of the voice.

It was male.

Ha! I knew it!

We were seeing Juan! Getting pretty cozy, are we?

"Hey", Roxy breathed out. They were looking into each other's soul from their eye sockets, it was an eyesore to behold.

Ew! Get a room, you guys..

"Shall we?", his heavily accented Spanish voice asked.

"Of course", Roxy breathed out and linked her arm with his.

Ayayai! When I said get a room, I didn't exactly mean immediately. And with me in the vicinity. Now I can't get the image of you two behind closed doors, doing whatever people of the opposite sex, er and perhaps same sex do behind closed doors, out of my head...

Don't look at me like that! I heard it from Bonnie!..

"And look at this guapa", Jose turned his attention to me. "How have you being, amigo? Taking good care of her for me, ?", he lifted me from Roxy's arm and scratched behind my ears in the soothing way I liked it.

Yeah, I've being better. I tried taking care of her but you know how bitchy she can be..  And how independent she thinks she is.. I'm not exactly cut out for that crap..

Juan laughed as if he understood a thing I said. It would be good to actually get understood around here sometimes..

"Hope you clawed out the eyes of any one coming over to see my princessa?", he whispered into my ears but Roxy overheard it. I couldn't help but chuckle.

Yup, did that.. She's safe for now but I can't say same about my other baby.. I have a bad feelings about her ride home tonight..

"Hey! Don't be giving her any ideas! She's very intelligent and she might just take you seriously", she scolded angrily but you could still catch the blush tainting her face. She always loved it when he referred to her in one of those Spanish endearments he was known to have for anyone around him.

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