Chapter Thirty-two

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Chapter Thirty-two: The Catalyst..

For the first time in about two weeks and a half, Roxy spoke with Endra today.

It was a very short conversation filled with silence, incomplete sentences and longing expressions on this side, but I can boldly say it was also the same at the other end. I know my girls too well.

Roxy had first gotten the call while she was in the washroom, preparing to give me a bath, thank goodness. I'd told her I was clean enough and I didn't need a bath because I wasn't in the mood to smell like a wet mutt, but the stubborn human had insisted and was preparing one for Kyla and me.

"Hello?", she sounded unsure when she picked up the device thingy. I continued to watch the silly dog chase its tail down on the bathroom floor.

When my attention was drawn to her, she stood there frozen with the phone to her ears, looking horror-stricken, as someone would when they are looking at their lifeless body on the ground. Only this time, she wasn't looking down; she was looking straight. At first, I thought she was looking at something unnatural in the mirror, but I was sitting on the counter, and nothing looked out of place around there. I was a hundred and fifty percent sure that she wasn't seeing anything in there. Her eyes were glazed over, and it wasn't hard to tell that she wasn't with us in the room anymore.

Why are you so surprised? Anyway, I think I can manage surprise. The gloomy and sad look is getting too stale around here..


I long to see the happy looks on everyone's faces again.

I miss those days..

I miss that us..

I miss those days when it was just us against the world; Me, Endra, Roxy, and perhaps Kyla, if she'd been adopted earlier.

Right now, I'd kill a deer to have the only arguments the Dumontes ever had; the familial conflict, yet loving disagreement between father and daughter..

I miss the little arguments and gossips they shared. The sweet banters that I always found annoying.. They don't sound so bad now, when you think of it.

I miss everything..

Roxy Dumonte padded barefooted out of the bathroom like she were in a trance, and sat at the foot of the huge bed. She still looked in a trance. I followed after her, and Kyla not too far behind me.

"Kittie, Kyla. It's En.. Alessandra!", she said, trying to uphold the unspoken rule of using full names when you're mad at the other person. You could feel and hear the relief and excitement in her voice that she tried to hide behind the forced dislike she was putting up.

"They can hear you now", she hit the speaker button on the phone and held it to us.

A brief pause.

"Kittie", I heard my baby girl's voice for the first time in forever. I was so excited, I began to call her name and scratch the screen, as if I could scratch my way to where she was from there.

She gave a breathless laughter. "I know, I've missed you so much"

Roxy wanted so much to smile, but she thought smiling would betray the anger in her heart, so she settled for petting Kyla instead.

Kyla began to twist and turn in her arms, and make whiny noises, begging to be released. Roxy let her be, and she jumped down from the couch and started barking at the phone. 

Trying to steal my shine, are we?

"Kyla, hi!", Endra acknowledged her presence. I rolled my eyes in obvious jealousy.

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