Chapter Thirty-four II (Bonus)

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Chapter Thirty-four II: Concluding Thought Procession (Bonus Chapter)..


I stared at her lone figure on the bed for a long while. Longer than I needed to. I didn't have it in me to leave her side at the moment; the reason for this newfound feeling was completely unknown to me. She'd been sedated back to back to put her at ease and under a sleeping spell due to the pains and trauma she was currently experiencing. The doctors had said she had a severe concussion in her head, a fracture in her left knee, three broken ribs, internal bleeding and PTSD.

Well, she got what she deserved, going out to meet a mad woman on her own..

But she did it because of you, my mind provided.

I stamped on that thought hard and fast.

She is crazy, that's why..

The more I continued to look at her, the more I began to notice a lot of things about her features. Things I shouldn't notice. Things I didn't need to notice. Like the baby hairs around her edges, her long and curly lashes, the freckles that slightly dotted her nose and cheeks, the disappearing laugh lines on her cheeks, the birthmark just below her left eye, the way her brown hair was just too soft and curly (I promise I didn't touch it). I'd always thought that I hated girls with extremely curly hair. I mean, I could manage a few artificial long tresses here and there but not the full unruly curly ones because it was just unnecessary, and management would just be time-consuming. Apparently, I found I liked hers. It soothes her a lot. The urge to run my fingers through the curls to find out if it was really tangle-free was becoming unbearable by the minute.

And then, those lips. God! Those pink plush lips..

I'd had the opportunity to feel them on mine for almost a moment, twice; once in a men's restroom and the other time when she was almost far gone in the liquor. I had to admit it to myself, it was pretty much okay. Not so bad for a girl whom I detested. I mean, I've kissed ladies who could make any stone statue bend to the butterfly effect. There weren't a lot but the few had a lot of experience on their years. But with her, it was just new and different. Just different. And my everlasting inquisitiveness wanted to see where it would take us.

I might have gone around to enjoy it a little more that time, if she hadn't decided to empty the contents in her stomach at that particular moment.

Infuriating human..

The nurse closed up my bandages and proceeded out of the room with strict instructions that I shouldn't move around or I would upset the wound. I stood up stubbornly and went to take in the picturesque view by the window side, mostly because I needed to clear those unwelcome thoughts from my mind.

No one gives me orders, much less a strict one..

The unnaturally blue lake surrounded by large patches of rock greeted my sight. The lake was surrounded by tall mahogany trees with branches swaying gracefully from the effects of the soft early evening breeze. I remembered how I used to make cannonballs in that lake while my grandfather sat applauding on the wooden bench by the sycamore tree just there. I used to be without a care in the world when I was with him, and he would gaze upon me with starry eyes of adoration, pride and accomplishment.

A soft sigh escaped my lips. I couldn't admit it to anyone, even to myself but I missed him so bloody much. That's why I couldn't find it in me to leave the mansion. A place where he lived the most part of his life. A place that was filled to the brim with his memories. A place I would come to and find solace and comfort, just by being in his presence.

The Arden mansion.

My eyes trailed over to the statue of my grandmother, just by her flower gardens. It was just a few steps away from the lake.

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