Chapter Thirty-three

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Chapter Thirty-three: It All Went South Too Quickly..


A rough tap on my cheeks aroused me from my slumber. I was immediately greeted with the brightest beam of a huge spotlight when I tried to open my eyes. I feared for my eyesight after this experience, that is, if I lived long enough to fear for them.

Oh God!

Where am I?

"Oh good! She's awake", came the same voice from the bridge. It was certainly female, now that I'm hearing it.

It was hard to make out anything with the light shining right into my face like that. I wanted to shield my eyes with my hand, and that was when I found out that both of my hands had been strapped behind my back. I tried to stand up and free myself, but I was only hurting myself more. And the man's hand on my shoulder was a good anchor to keep me down and still.

You need to not lose blood, Endra.. That way, you can save yourself when the need arises..

You've seen a lot of movies, haven't you? Use your head..

I became static at once. Struggling was stupid because I would end up hurting myself, as earlier stated. I found that I was still bound by the same string that had caused the large injury on my arm, and the wound was beginning to really bleed out. Again.

A frustrated groan escaped my lips.

"I'm glad you know you shouldn't struggle, my dear. It's an Amazon leash. You'll only continue to hurt yourself and I can't have you bleeding out before you complete your usage", she said. I glared in the direction I thought I heard the voice come from, but that would mean looking into the painful flash of light.

Am I going to die like this?

Deep breathes, Endra, deep breaths.. You can do this..

I tried to ignore the voice and the sinking feeling in my stomach and started counting one to ten to even my ragged breathing.

A finger snapped in the shadows and just immediately, other lights were switched on. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the brightness. When it did, I found that I was in some kind of a room. The room had two levels up where you could stand and look down like a balcony. It looked like the room was a two-storey building while huge grecian columns holding up the ceilings in the distance. Three men in black and no doubt bearing weapons were all I could see on those two levels. It all looked like a scene off an action movie.

When my vision came down to the ground floor where I was, I counted a total of four men, plus a lady in white. One behind my back, two behind the lady, and one of them in the distant parts of the room.

The lady in question was in a white blazer that hugged by slim figure with a white pant suit that covered her feet which were no doubt, clad in designer heels. With the face of an angel; a beautiful one at that, she looked no more than 29 and if she were going to be older, I'd say 35 is my final answer.

Well, you never know with skincare routines or plastic surgeries these days..

She had an air of wealth, power, influence, and control around her, and she strutted like a supermodel who controls the most part of the world (which might probably be true, you never know).

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