Imagine me with no teeth.

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How does every story start?

Well, the heroine waking up with absolutely perfect hair in amazing night clothes and a huge smile with the sunshine beaming in through the windows, right?

Mine doesn't.

In fact, mine begins with my dog - Wingo - licking my face.

"Wingo!" I whine burying my face deeper into the pillows.

He just barks in response and I give up on sleep.

"Fine! I'm up!" I groan.

I do my usual morning routine and head downstairs.

I'm late.

And I need to hurry but I cannot just walk or talk or do anything I should be doing if I do not want to be late for school.

"Morning!" Dad greets me at the end of the stairs.

"Morning, dad." I say and a yawn escapes me but being the highly civilised and sophisticated young woman that I am, I do not bother covering my mouth.

"Someone's sleepy!" Mom comments as she ties her wrist watch.

"Mhmm." was my intelligent reply.

"I'm just going to school." I say and leave.

I think mom called me back but I was too sleepy to care.

This day is going to be bad.

Like, don't you feel it in your bones that something is about to go tremendously wrong before something does go tremendously wrong?

What if it's my grade in History? Mr. Collin had to return the papers today...what if I failed?

Or, what if I am about to fall face first on this ground and die?

News Flash: Girl dies because of falling face first on hard school playground on a Monday morning!

I look at the ground distastefully and then it clicks inside me.

It's him.

It is so him.

I get this feeling every time he does something disastrous to me.

Oh, my god..what is he going to do?

Well , the he that I'm referring is none other than the quarterback, superstar, dream boy of this school - Reese.

And among all those adjectives that I used to describe him you can also add this one - The guy who has made poor Astrid's life miserable.

Here he comes with that devilish glint in his eyes, oh mama mia, I am so screwed!

I turn around and start walking towards the girl's washroom rather than to my locker like I had earlier intended to, but screw the locker I have to save my life first.

"Astrid!" he calls and I hear laughter arise from around me but I only see the girl's washroom door.

I turn around to see where he is and he breaks into a run with that god damned smile of his.

I shriek and rush towards the ground. I know he will catch up to me because of his freakishly long legs and that stamina he got by joining the football team but oh lord, please shower mercy on your Astrid!

I run and run and run but he catches up quickly and everyone stops doing whatever they had previously been doing to stare at poor moi's day getting destroyed be the King Of Monsters himself -Reese Jacobs.

"Reese, I just came to school, please do not do anything that you're planning to do." I beg.

He just gives me the evil laugh and as I take another step backwards, i drop my book bag so that it'll be much easier for me to run if I escape the Lord of Cruelty. My best chance is the Swimming Area, he will probably slip and get paralyzed for the rest of his life.

The possibilities of that happening to me are higher than that happening to him considering my clumsy self but oh well. 

I make a run towards the double doors in hopes of not letting my day get ruined right at the very begining. 

I spot  the pool and then I knew it. 

I knew I was going to be screwed. 

He keeps walking towards me and I keep moving backwards until finally I fall into the swimming pool of the school.

The cold water knocks me out of breath but I quickly compose myself and come to the surface to take in a huge breath of air. I hear a few people-ones on the swimming team- laughing but trust me Reese's laugh is the most obnoxious of all. 

I scowl at him and while he throws his head back to laugh his ass off, I hit his knee, making him buckle and loose control and then finally fall into the ice cold water.

A lot more laughs surround the two soaking bodies of ours as Reese recovers from his shock.

"YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT, JAMES!" he hollers and I squeal as I try to get out of water and hold in my laughter.

"Looks like I did, Jacobs!" I say back and then suddenly he pulls me inside the pool, drowning me.

As we both emerge back to the surface we hear a voice every school going student dreads.

"In my office, you two." Principal Shuttle spoke.

Everyone else dispersed and we both made our way to principal's office while hitting each other.

"It was his fault."

"It was her fault."

"You guys are in your senior year, children and have made this school proud on so many occassions - both of you, so I just have one question," Mrs. Shuttle pauses and looks at the various trophies and medals hung on one of the walls of her posh office, "Why do you have to make my life a living hell?" she narrows her eyes to slits and I don't think I have ever seen her this way.


"Mrs. Shuttle, I assure you, nothing of this sort shall happen if you just give Reese a restraining order. He stays away from me and we both," I use hand actions to refer to her and me, "will live a happy, easy and wrinkle free life."

"You're saying Mrs. Shuttle has wrinkles?" Reese comments, looking innocent but I see amusement and mischief in his eyes, "oh my, Mrs. Shuttle, do you see her behaviour towards her companions and her elders? I say you look not a day above thirty." I scowl at him and hold in the curses I want to shower at him.

"Thank you, Mr. Jacobs but your flattering will not get you out of a three day detention." Mrs. Shutte smiled in the most sadistic way possible.

I smile so wide that I think my teeth will fall out of my mouth. Ew. Imagine me with no teeth.

"I wonder why you're smiling when you have a three day detention too, Miss. James." Mrs. Shuttle used the same sadistic tone for me and my smile immediately vanished.


"No arguements or punishment doubled."

Three days after school with this ruthless jerk? I'd rather die in my own poop.

Okay, maybe not.

But spending three more hours with Reese is like....the custom made hell God made for me and only me.

"Dismissed." she announces and shuffles through various papers as if our existence doesn't matter to her anymore.

I walk out first, Reese hot on my heels.

"You, Reese Jacobs, will suffer." I poke my finger at his chest.

"You love me, darling." he smirks.

"I hate you." I retort and then walk away towards my locker to find a new set of clothes.

Reese Jacobs, you will be the death of me.

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