Chapter Thirty-Six

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"He told me about you." She replied, finally taking her eyes away from mine. Even I had to say, as close as I was thinking about slapping a bitch, she wasn't ugly. She was quite an attractive woman.

"Who is he?" I pressed my hands firmly against the sink and held myself upright.

"Nikki Sixx." She answers.

"Oh yeah, what about him?" I kept watching her like a hawk, as if I didn't, she would sneak in a hit before I could register. I was waiting for it, that's for sure. Or maybe it was just me who wanted to or was hoping for a fight.

"He told me he belongs to you, you're a lucky sheila." She commented.

"Oh yeah? Thanks I suppose." I bit my tongue and turned around once I heard a toilet flush.

"He sure didn't want a bar of me." She sighed, passing me and walking over to grab a piece of paper towel.

On the inside, I felt everything buzz with what felt like excitement. He didn't want a bar of her, he shooed her away, he told her he was taken! Even when he wasn't! He was also wearing the ring! I had a definite sense of pride rushing through me. That's a start, maybe Nikki is completely serious after all. We'll see.

Watching Dara open the cubicle door and giving me a slight smile. She looked more than happy with herself, especially when I noticed she was holding onto something.

"Whatcha got there?" I asked Dara, completely ignoring the blonde who was throwing the rubbish into the bin.

Dara waited until the blonde disappeared out of the bathroom without another word, before she slammed a pregnancy test down and onto the sink.

"That's a bit of an odd place to take a test, Dara." I commented.

"Yeah, well I haven't had a chance. Hunt has been around me all the time. This is the only time I got peace." Dara briefly explained, turning on the tap and washing her hands.

"Fair enough." I nodded, the surprise still washed over me. "So have you got an answer yet?" I questioned, not bothering to look at the test.

"Not yet." She shook her head.

"What's been going on? What has you taking a test?" I frowned. It only had been several days, yet it felt like a few weeks worth of stuff had happened.

"I've had sore tits and been feeling like shit lately." Dara frowned, looking at me through the mirror.

"Not your period?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"No." She shook her head and passed me, grabbing some paper towel to dry her hands.

Dara pregnant? That would be quite a shock to everyone, including to myself. And as bad as it sounded, if she was, was Hunter the father? Or maybe it could have been someone else? And if she is and it's not Hunter's? What then? There would be a shit-storm, no doubt about it. And I thought between Tommy, Nikki and I it would be bad, no, it was nothing compared of the possibility of that.

"Okay." Dara sighed, picking up the test and turning it over to see the results. For a few moments, I stared at Dara to see her facial expressions. I was on edge, waiting for it. And her reaction? Was not one I expected. She started laughing, I mean completely cackling.

"Dara?" I frowned. "What's it say?"

"Negative." Dara squealed even more, her face turning slightly pink as she laughed harder. "Fuck I was shitting myself." She exclaimed, turning the pregnancy test around to show me. And like she said, it was negative.

"What would you have done if it said positive?" I asked, not exactly seeing how it was so funny.

"Fuck knows." Dara threw the test into the bin and shook her head, taking a deep breath to calm down her laughter. "Hunt and I aren't together, so if it was yes, I don't know what would happen." She said in a calmer tone.

Up To My Neck In You (Sequel to Walk All Over You)Where stories live. Discover now