Chapter 37

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"I can't believe we're about to graduate." Noelle sighed, dipping her bare feet in the Black Lake.

"I know. It's crazy. I feels like last year you almost knocked me off the boat 1st year." Isabelle said, crossing her legs as she leaned against Remus' chest.

"Izzy have you decided what you want to do yet?" Noelle asked, kicking up some mud at the floor of the lake. A pit forming in her stomach as she thought about the world outside Hogwarts.

"Either a Healer or a Herbology professor. Though I don't see Professor Sprout retiring anytime soon so i'm leaning more towards Healer." Isabelle said, looking hesitantly at Noelle "You still going to be an Auror?"

"Yeah." Noelle said, the pit in her stomach growing. She was going to be fighting in a war. Probably against some of her schoolmates, people she knows.

"No way to change your mind?" Isabelle asked, still feeling the urge to protect her friend from anything and everything.

"Nope." Noelle said, sending a small smile towards Isabelle. "I'll be fine Izzy. It's just-"

"A war! It's just a war Noelle. What if you get hurt?" Isabelle interrupted, still trying to convince Noelle otherwise.

"Then I get hurt protecting the people I love." Noelle said, looking fiercely at Isabelle. Noelle was determined to protect everyone, it didn't matter what it cost. She could die for all she cared, as long as they were okay. As long as Isabelle, Remus, James, Peter, and Sirius were okay. As long as they were okay.

"This conversation is getting too serious!" Sirius shouted, suddenly sitting up and looking at Noelle, smirking as he stood and ran over to her.

"Sirius I swear to Merlin if you do what I think you're going to do." Noelle said, getting up and running away from him. Her bare feet slightly slipping on the green grass. Sirius quickly caught up to her, grabbing her waist and spinning her around before carrying her over to the lake. "Sirius!" Noelle squealed, trying to wiggle from his grip. She was suddenly aware of the fact that she was wearing a white t-shirt. "Isabelle help!"

Noelle turned to see Isabelle thrown over Remus' shoulder as well, Remus' smirk matching Sirius' eerily. "No! Remus why?!" Isabelle screamed as the boys started to count down.

"No! St-" The girls were cut off by a splash of water as they were thrown in the lake. Noelle surfaced first, glaring at Sirius as she crossed her arms to cover her now very visible red bra. "How dare you."

"Whoops?" Sirius said, smiling as Noelle came swimming towards him, grabbing his wrist before he could move and pulled him in. Sirius gasped and splashed at Noelle as she swam away.

"Ahem." Noelle turned at the sound of a throat clearing, her wide smile dropping as she saw McGonagall standing there with a disapproving look in her eyes.

"Dumbledore would like to see you all. Ms. Starling, I recommend putting something on before." She said, smirking slightly as she saw Noelle squeal and drop her body into the water.


"The Order of the Phoenix?" Noelle spoke first, staring at Dumbledore in confusion.

"It's an organization that i'm bringing together of people to directly fight against Voldemort. I'm offering you all a spot in the group." Dumbledore said, staring at the marauders with crossed hands.

"Well i'm in." Sirius spoke first.

"Me too." James said, nodding in agreement.

"Me as well." Remus spoke next, giving an apologetic smile to Isabelle.

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