Chapter 22

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Isabelle woke up the next morning with a groan. She didn't feel like going to classes. Classes also meant waking Noelle up to go to classes.

"Let me sleep!" Noelle protested hugging her new oversized shirt closer to her as Isabelle ripped her blankets off of her bed. Lily laughed as she threw on her cloak and fixed her red hair.

"I swear to merlin Noelle! Why do you make this so difficult." Isabelle complained throwing the covers on the ground. "Lily, help me please!" Isabelle begged but Lily just laughed and shrugged.

"If she doesn't want to then it's her fault for failing classes." Lily said.

"You can't fail classes Noelle!" Isabelle complained earning a groan from Noelle. Isabelle started shaking Noelle hoping to get her lazy friend out of bed.

"If I get up will you leave me alone?" Noelle asked rolling over to see Isabelle sitting on her bed. Isabelle had already gotten ready her hair in a messy braid down her back with her Gryffindor uniform on.

"Pleaaassseeeee! I will stop bothering you." Isabelle whined jumping on the bed. Noelle reluctantly got up rubbing her sleepy eyes. "Now get dressed we have twenty minutes." Isabelle said as she skipped over to the mirror and started putting makeup on. Once Noelle and Isabelle was ready the two headed to their full day of classes.

Isabelle cheered when her last class ended getting a stern look from the Slughorn. Severus just shook his head as she jumped up gathering her books and running out of the room. Remus had a class not to far from here and she wanted to talk to him. She needed to tell someone about Regulus but she also just wanted to spend time with Remus. Isabelle skipped down the halls not noticing someone in front of her. She ran face first into someone's chest and immediately pushed away.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't-" Isabelle stuttered. Lucius Malfoy stood with a scowl on his face as he dusted off where Isabelle had ran into him.

"Watch where you're going filthy blood traitor." He sneered before shoulder checking her as he passed. Isabelle stumbled back hitting a wall lightly. She rubbed her shoulder as she glared at Malfoy as he walked away.

"Don't worry about him, he's a bloody git." Remus said from behind her. Isabelle sighed as she picked her bag off the floor.

"I didn't even mean to run into him. I can't even stand his stuck up personality." Isabelle murmured as she threw her bag over her shoulder. "Oh Remus! I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out with me again? Like last time when we went to see my flowers." Isabelle asked with a smile.

"Isn't it kinda cold to go to the greenhouse?" Remus chuckled.

"Well we could go to the library or I know of a abandon classroom." Isabelle suggested.

"Library sounds good." Remus said lacing his fingers with hers. Isabelle blushed as she felt his hand in hers. A giggle erupted as she looked down at their hands.

"Oh so were holding hands now?" Isabelle teased. She watched as his face turned a light shade of pink. Remus squeezed her hand making her laugh again.

"Is that a problem?" He asked with an amused smile. Isabelle tapped her chin with her other hand.

"I'm okay with it." Isabelle replied with a smirk as the blush covering her cheeks went a shade darker. .

"So am I." He said as they made it to the library where only a few Ravenclaw students sat their faces deep into a book. Remus and Isabelle made their way to the back of the library where there was a small table near a window. Isabelle glanced out the window and groaned as more snow continued to fall.

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