Chapter 8

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Once Isabelle had made it back to the girls dorm she saw Noelle sitting on the bed with a book in her hand. Isabelle cleared her voice as her friend looked up from her book.

"You and man whore, explain." Isabelle stated coldly.

"What do you mean?" Noelle asked, not looking up from her book.

"Why were you kissing Sirius! That man whore shouldn't be touching you!" Isabelle yelled as she threw her hands in the air. "Lily and James caught you two! Don't play dumb!"

"We weren't kissing. I have no idea what you mean." Noelle said, a tint of pink on her cheeks.

"Bullshit! What were you two doing together?" Isabelle asked as she crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her foot impatiently.

"We just...ran into each other. That's all." Noelle spoke slowly, her face becoming more and more red as she spoke.

"Noelle! Your face is giving it all away! That's it!" Isabelle said before turning on her heel to walk out of the room. "Sirius Black!" Isabelle yelled.

"Isabelle! Wait! No don't do that!" Noelle yelled as she ran after her friend, trying to stop her from making a scene. Isabelle stopped abruptly and groaned as she turned around to look at Noelle. Why was this happening!

"I need to hit him! You can't like him! He will hurt you!" Isabelle complained. Isabelle had a long speech to give Sirius if he even tried to get close to Noelle in a romantic way.

"Oh my Merlin calm down! We both know even if I did like him you know I wouldn't have a chance! He would lose interest in me in less than a month Isabelle. You don't need to worry. I know not to try to get him. Okay? I know." Noelle explained, trying to calm down her friend before she did something they both regretted.

"I'm still going to yell at him." Isabelle stated as she walked down the stairs into the common room.

"Bella no! Stop it!" Noelle whined as she went after her "Bella! How was your date with Remus?" Noelle yelled down the stairs, making Isabelle stop in her tracks.

"It wasn't a date. It went well thanks for asking." Isabelle said quickly as she started to make her way down the stairs again.

"I heard you guys slept together!"

"Fuck you James." Isabelle muttered under her breath. "I accidentally fell asleep on his shoulder and he must've fallen asleep after me." Isabelle explained as she turned around to face Noelle. "Now that's enough. Stop trying to change the subject."

"So you guys did sleep together!" Noelle yelled, successfully attracting the attention of other Gryffindors "I can't believe you and Remus slept together!" Noelle may have been stooping low, but there was no way she was going let Isabelle embarrass her more than she already was about her whole thing with Sirius.

"No we didn't!" Isabelle yelled as she ran down the stairs. She was now on a new mission. "James Potter I am going to kill you!" Noelle sighed in relief as Isabelle went to yell at James instead of Sirius. She won for now, though she didn't know how she would stop Isabelle next time.

Once Isabelle made it to the common room she made a beeline to James who was sitting in a chair in the front of the room. Isabelle stood in front of James with her arms crossed over her chest. "Why?" Was all Isabelle asked raising both her eyebrows.

"Why what?" James asked as he looked up at her.

"Why did you spread a lie about me! Everyone is totally going to take that out of context!" Isabelle complained. James looked confused which only made Isabelle get more upset. He then looked behind her and saw Noelle shrug with a small smirk on her face.

"I didn't tell anyone, except Noelle." James replied. Isabelle turned around and looked at Noelle.

"Why Noelle?! The whole common room is going to take that out of context!" Isabelle once again complained.

"Hey maybe Lily told someone! You know Marlene has a big mouth!" Noelle said, once again trying to shift the blame to someone else.

"Like Lily would do that! You don't want me telling the world you made out with Sirius Black!" Isabelle immediately covered her mouth, her eyes wide open at the realization of what she just said. "It's James' fault." Isabelle said quietly pointing at James.

"Yeah James! You with your big mouth how about you keep to yourself for once!" Noelle jumped on Isabelle's statement, quickly yelling at James.

"What the hell guys?! You guys are the ones yelling!" James yelled at the pair, only for all 3 of them to stop in their tracks as the rest of the Marauder's came into the common room.

"Hey guys! What's up?" Sirius smiled happily as he bounded into the room.

"Well these girls-"

"Nothing!" Isabelle and Noelle yelled over James, both of them glaring at him threateningly. Sirius looked quizzically at the two girls then took a seat on the couch.

"Oh, man whore there is something I want to-" Isabelle started to say before Noelle cut her off.

"Isabelle!" Noelle yelled earning a glare from her friend. Isabelle rolled her eyes before flipping Sirius off as she headed back to the dorms. Isabelle was going to give Sirius a piece of her mind, but she had to wait till Noelle wasn't around.

Noelle sighed in relief as she watched Isabelle leave, she knew it probably wasn't the end of it, but at least it was over for now. She looked over at the Marauders, both Remus and Sirius looking at her in confusion.

"Why was she about to yell at me?" Sirius asked.

" reason. Gotta go!" Noelle said, running past all of them and out into the corridor.

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