Chapter 41

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"What do you mean Lily is having her baby?" Noelle yelled over the phone at James' panicking voice.

"I mean Lily is having the fucking baby! Get the fuck down here!" James yelled, noticeably quieting down when a scream of pain echoed in the room behind him.

"Alright i'm on my way." Noelle hung up the phone, screaming for Sirius to get down there as she frantically packed her gifts for the baby.

"Lily is giving birth Sirius no one cares about your hair!" Noelle yelled, pulling him out of the bathroom and to the Floo, grabbing a handful of powder and shouting her destination. Noelle stumbled from the Floo at St. Mungo's, closely followed by Sirius, and rushed to the receptionist.

"What room is Lily Evans?" She demanded, tapping impatiently as she waited for the lady to tell her.

"Room 394. Are you family?" Noelle didn't answer the question as she rushed to the staircase, scaling the stairs faster than she had ever thought possible and arriving at floor 3.

"Doll you need to calm down." Sirius shouted from behind her as she dodged all the nurses.

"She told me she wanted me here when she had the baby! I can't miss it." Noelle said,

knocking lightly on the door before walking in.

"Noelle! Sirius! I'm so glad you're here! Where's Isabelle and Remus?" James asked, his hands shaking as he look past her and Sirius,

"They're on their way." Noelle said, her point being proven as Isabelle rushed in the door and right to Lily.

Hours later, James and Lily's son had finally been born. Little Harry James Potter, they had deemed him. "He's precious." Noelle whispered to Sirius as they watched James and Lily coo at their son, who was smiling up at them. Harry wasn't a fussy child, he had barely cried at all.

"Sirius." James said, picking up Harry carefully and putting him softly in Sirius' arms "We'd like you to be godfather." Sirius looked up at James in shock.

"Me? Why not Remus?" Sirius asked, looking down at Harry with a gentle smile, rocking him back and forth gingerly.

"You're my best friend Padfoot, why wouldn't it be you?" James smiled at him, looking at Lily with admiration before looking back at Sirius "Are you crying?"

Sirius sniffled loudly "No! I'm just...allergic to...babies." Noelle smiled at Sirius as she watched him coo at Harry, Harry took to Sirius automatically. Reaching his little hands to Sirius' face and grabbing some stray strands of Sirius' hair.

Isabelle smiled as she watched Sirius with little Harry. One of her best friends just had a baby, she couldn't be happier for her. She walked over so she could get a better look at Harry. His little eyes looked over to her making Isabelle laugh as she gave a tiny wave to him. He was the cutest thing she had ever seen.

"He is so cute you guys!" Isabelle gushed as she looked back at Lily. Sirius handed Isabelle Harry and she couldn't help but cry just a little. Everyone was growing up so fast.

"Isabelle, would you like to be the godmother?" Lily asked with a smile as Isabelle's eyes widen in shock. Isabelle laughed as another tear fell from her eyes as she looked back down to the infant in her arms.

"Of course I will! Are you really sure you want me though?" She asked. Lily and James both nodded making Isabelle smile even wider. She was a godmother. She had a little child to protect now.


Noelle watched happily as James and Lily danced in the middle of the floor, Lily's huge white dress flowing all around her. Little Harry was sitting with his grandparents right now, happily bouncing up and down on his grandfather's knee.

Love and Loss ~ Marauders Era~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora