Chapter 16

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Noelle woke up to a pounding headache, the sunlight shining through the window made her groan loudly "Holy shit I think i'm dying." she groaned as she dug her head into whatever was beneath her.

"You okay?" A deep voice said, she could feel the vibrations from his speech beneath her head. She peeked her eyes up to see it was Sirius, he had messy hair, his voice was still groggy. It was honestly really sexy.

"Um...why are you in my bed?" Noelle asked, confused at how they ended up in this position.

"Well you see you were making out with some random guy, then Isabelle tried to make you go to bed but you said you only would if I went with you so we got here and you tried to seduce me but I didn't let you because i'm a good person." Sirius explained as she laid her head back onto his chest.

"Well thanks for not having sex with me. So did I get my point across to either you or Isabelle?" Noelle asked, her voice muffled by Sirius' bare chest.

"Not really. She was kind of just pissed off the entire night honestly." Sirius explained.

"Actually i'm still pissed." Isabelle said from the bed next to them. Noelle giggled quietly. Isabelle usually never came back to the dorm after she got drunk, and this was her after drunk voice. She either didn't trust them or didn't feel like being a slut, if it was the latter then she was getting her point across.

" was the party?" Noelle asked, looking over at Isabelle smirking slightly. She could feel Sirius' arm still wrapped around her as she moved. It was nice.

"Considering I had to listen to drunk James for half of it....It sucked. At least Remus didn't let me get that drunk. Being pissed and drunk is not good for me."

"Remus huh?" Noelle smirked as she cuddled closer to Sirius, he was very warm.

"The only sane Gryffindor at the party. Yes. Is that a problem?" Isabelle asked.

"No actually it's a solution to one of the problems you're having right now." Noelle said knowingly as she hugged Sirius' chest. She knew Isabelle was going to make them move soon enough so she was going to take what she could get.

"A solution? What in the world how?! Also get the hell up." Isabelle snapped rubbing her eyes.

"But....but it's so warm." Noelle complained, looking up at Isabelle as she hugged Sirius closer.

"Yeah Isabelle. Let us be." Sirius said as he hugged Noelle closer, both of them smirking as they looked up at her.

"Sirius! I trusted you for one night! Now get off of her." Isabelle said ripping the blankets to see a half naked Noelle clinging to that man whore. "I trusted you. Whatever I'm done. I'm not dealing with this." Isabelle said groggily as she turned and left the room.

"Wait...why am I in my bra?" Noelle asked looking up at a blushing Sirius.

"I told you you tried to seduce me! You decided to use your huge melons to do it." Sirius said defensively. He avoided looking at her as she got up and went to the bathroom.

"I'll see you at lunch then?" he called from outside the closed door.

"Yeah, I'll see you then!"


Isabelle fell asleep on the couch in the common room and slept through most of day. Why in the world does Noelle have to be so stubborn. Isabelle felt a hand slightly shake her as she hugged her thin sheet closer to herself.

"I'm sleeping leave me alone." She mumbled her head still pounding from her hangover.

"Isabelle you need to drink some water. It helps. I also brought some chocolate back from lunch." It was Remus, a person Isabelle was not expecting to be woken up by. Isabelle slowly opened her blue eyes and looked at the boy in front of her. He had a small smile on his face as he held out a chocolate bar. Isabelle smiled as she took the chocolate bar. He was so handsome and he was just standing there. Being sweet and nice. Why though?!

"Uh-thank you Remus. Really it means a lot. This headache sucks." Isabelle laughed slightly as she ate a piece of chocolate.

"You wouldn't stop last night what's going on with you and Noelle?" Remus asked as he sat near her feet. Isabelle sighed as she took another bite before answering.

"She wants me to make a move on this guy I like. I literally can't though. I for once in my life I cannot make a move. It's really not a big deal. She's trying to prove a point." Isabelle explained sitting up as she grabbed the cup of water in front of her.

"Well why can't you?" He asks as he takes another candy bar from his pocket and starts to eat it. Isabelle sighed again. Why was she talking about this with him?

"Because, he's like amazing and i'm not." She said sadly as she hugged her sheet closer to her. Remus didn't know she was talking about him right? God she hoped he didn't.

"Well why aren't you amazing?" Remus asked.

"I-I just don't think I am. I don't have specifics." Isabelle answers. She really didn't know how to exactly answer that question. She could've made better decisions but other than that Isabelle didn't have anything she could think of as bad.

"Noelle and Lily thinks your pretty amazing. I also happen to think your pretty great." Remus responds. A light blush dusted Isabelle's cheeks as a smile spread across her face. Noelle probably put him up to this but regardless Isabelle was happy. "You and Sirius need to stop being so hard on yourselves. Don't you see what you've done to Noelle."

"Oh don't even get me started on her stupidity. I'm trying not to think of her right now. I need the unpleasant image that is stuck in my head gone." Isabelle groaned throwing her head back making Remus laugh. His laugh made Isabelle heart leap as she put a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. How bad she wanted to just be with him. How she wanted him to hold her as they laid on the couch. Isabelle couldn't bring herself to make a move though.

The two of them sat in silence for a bit as they finished their chocolate as watched as the fire danced in the fireplace. Isabelle scooted closer to Remus as her heart continued to beat rapidly. Isabelle glanced at the magnificent boy who sat next to her. The mysterious boy that she still knew very little about. As Isabelle was lost in thought Remus threw his arm around her shoulder pulling her closer to him. A smile was on both of their faces while Isabelle laid her head on his chest while he traced circles on her arm. Isabelle could hear his heart beat as she closed her eyes. She looked up at him with a smile as he looked down at her. Isabelle's heart once again started to race as he put a piece of hair behind her ear. His rough hand resting on her cheek.

"You really are amazing. I don't know why I have to be the one to tell you that." Remus said his soft brown eyes connecting with Isabelle's sky blue ones. Butterflies filled her stomach as she started to lean forward as Remus leaned down. Closing her eyes as they got closer Isabelle could feel the warmth of his lips just inches from hers. She was going to kiss him, the thought only made her heart hammer harder against her chest. The drowsiness from her hangover vanished as she felt their lips about to connect. A voice came from the entrance of common room.

"Noelle, that party was amazing." James voice rang through the common room making Isabelle push away from Remus and fall on the floor with a loud thud. Laughter was heard from behind the couch as Noelle, James,Sirius and Peter stood their. Isabelle rubbed her arm as she stood up.

"Sorry did we interpret something?" Noelle asked a smirk on her face. Isabelle blushed thinking about the almost kiss. Why did they have to come in and ruin it!

"No,no not at all. He was just helping me with my hangover. Thanks Remus." Isabelle said with a smile. All four of them looked at eachother skeptically.

"You sure? It looked-" Sirius started but Isabelle interrupted him.

"We still need to talk about why Noelle was in her bra this morning!" Isabelle exclaimed. It wasn't like Isabelle wanted the details because god only knows what happened, she just wanted to change the topic. Isabelle looked down at her watch realizing it was a little after 4. "We will talk later I forgot to take care of my plants yesterday. I need to go now." Isabelle said smoothing out her hair as she ran back up to her dorm to get her shoes. 

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