Chapter 3

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The night continued to go on Isabelle ended up taking a lot more shots which made her extremely tipsy. She had to watch Noelle despite the drunk sensation she was feeling.

"Why are we doing this again?" Isabelle asked as laid on the ground. She didn't have a problem with it but she had four boys around her. Drinks and boys never ended well.

"I'm quidditch captain!" James cheered raising the half empty bottle of firewhiskey into the air. Everyone but Isabelle cheered.

"Well congrats!" Isabelle's words slurred slightly.

"Sirius..." Noelle giggled as she leaned onto his shoulder "You're like...really muscular. Is that all the Quidditch? Why aren't I muscular?" Noelle squeezed her biceps, pouting when she felt barely any muscle.

"Because you're obviously not as amazing as me." Sirius flexed to prove his point. Noelle giggled once again

"'re so pretty." Noelle pinched his cheek lightly.

"I am not pretty I am handsome. C'mon little christmas you should know this by now." Sirius patted her on the head as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"You're warm." She snuggled into his side, trying to absorb his warmth as much as possible. He smiled down at her and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his lap. Noelle sighed and snuggled up against his chest "Like...really warm."

"Mmm hmm. I know." He tightened his grip around her, both of them cuddling in the drunken haze they were in. They were both very affectionate drunks.

Everyone always thought Noelle was kind of a quiet person, of course she used that to her advantage. She could easily get out of trouble, get things the other, more rambunctious students, didn't have access too. Plus all the teachers trusted her due to her excellent grades and lack of trouble causing. Though, in reality, she was kind of a rebel. She drank with her friends, snuck out with boys she liked, she played the odd prank or two. Man one time she got dared to go skinny dipping in the Black Lake the night before exams and she did it. No one really expected much out of her. It was perfect.

Isabelle was a very giggly drunk who couldn't stay standing for more than three seconds. As she sat there with the room spinning around her she kept almost falling over.

"Remus, I'm dizzy." she giggled as she laid her head in his lap. "Thanks I needed a pillow." she once again went into a fit of giggles. When Isabelle looked up at him she noticed a small blush that crept up on his cheeks. "Awe that's adorable you get flustered to easily. Noelle you didn't tell me that!" Isabelle said as she looked at Noelle who was still hanging over Sirius.

"Hey you man whore! Don't hurt her!" Isabelle drunkenly pointed at the two of them. Isabelle laid there with a smile on her face as she laughed when James started going on a rant about Lily. He couldn't get the hint but Isabelle had to admit he had guts for being persistent. She didn't even notice the hand that slowly ran through her hair. She looked back up at Remus who was running his hand through her elegant blonde hair as he talked with his friends. It was then she noticed a scar on his face, and without thinking she gently touched it which made him stop talking immediately.

"What's this from?" Isabelle asked as she traced it. Her words filled with curiosity. How had she not of noticed before. Once she took her hand away she tilted her head slightly as she waited for a response.

"Just an accident is all." He replied. Isabelle couldn't take her eyes off of it. For some reason it fascinated her. What more did Remus Lupin hide. He was way more interesting than she thought.


Noelle slowly opened her eyes, wincing at the bright light of the sun shining through the window. She groaned and immediately shut her eyes again, sighing into the warmth she was cuddled into.

"Noelle, get your butt up! The man whore is still all over you." Isabelle laughs as she sees the two of them.

"This man whore is warm fuck off." Noelle flipped Isabelle off and kept her eyes shut, trying to go back to sleep. Isabelle sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Look, you got to wake up with someone while I was stuck on the couch. Get up." Isabelle said slightly annoyed.

"Don't give a shit. I'm warm and I don't wanna move because of the massive hangover I have right now so if I'm moving it's because someone is carrying me." Noelle once again sighed, she cracked open her eyes to see Sirius sleeping below her, his hair was messy but in a good way. His mouth was hanging wide open but somehow he still managed to look attractive. Noelle certainly didn't know how.

"James Potter! I will talk to Lily and get you a date if you're able to get Sirius and Noelle up." Isabelle smirked. Her head was pounding but she couldn't miss class.

"Fuck yeah! I got this!" A suddenly energized James jumped up and into the bed Noelle and Sirius were on. Jumping up and down obnoxiously, successfully waking Sirius up in the process.

"What the fuck are you doing Prongs?" Sirius groaned, glaring up at his best friend.

"Isabelle said I could get a date with Lily if I got you two up so get the fuck up so Lily can see how amazing I am!" James shouted, two other groaned echoed from the marauders room as Remus and Peter were startled awake. Complaining now coming from all four of the once sleeping students. Noelle finally sat up, flipping off Isabelle as she got up.

"You're a bitch. Why are we friends again?"

"Because I'm amazing duh. Also thanks for the complement." Isabelle smiled as she returned the gesture. Isabelle sighed as Noelle sat there rubbing her eyes. They had already missed half of the classes that day. Herbology was the last class and Isabelle was going to get there even if she had to drag Noelle. Isabelle threw her messy hair up into a bun and straightened her tie.

"Hey Remus." Isabelle said with a small smile. She vaguely remembered him carrying her to the couch and placing a blanket around her. It wasn't comfortable but at least he was looking out for her. Remus looked up at the mention of his name his eyes still filled with sleep. "Thank you for last night." Isabelle said as she rubbed the back of her neck. She didn't really remember much of what happened last night.


After much complaining from Noelle, Isabelle managed to get Noelle to herbology. As soon as they walked into the small greenhouse Isabelle smiled as she saw the plants she helped tend every year. The smell of the sweet flowers filled the air making Isabelle's hangover not so bad.

"Isabelle! I'm happy to see you! Noelle, I'm happy you're here too!" Professor Sprout exclaimed as she hugged the two girls. Isabelle was always with Professor Sprout as she helped with the mandrakes. Before Professor Sprout started teaching she turned back to Noelle and Isabelle.

"If you want Isabelle, I need help teaching first years on Thursdays." She smiled before turning around and going to the front of the class. Isabelle's face lit up at the statement. They had always talked about Isabelle helping teach classes but it was never serious.

"Did you hear that! I get to help!" Isabelle exclaimed loudly earning a glare from Noelle.

"Yeah, Congrats. Now shut up you're hurting my head." Noelle grumbled.

Class went by with ease, except the fact Noelle complained the whole time. Why did they decide to drink again? On their way back to the common room they were stopped by the four famous boys.

"Isabelle you said you would talk to Lily!" James complained making Isabelle roll her eyes. It hadn't even been three hours and he expected her to talk to Lily already?!

"I will tonight alright." Isabelle replied with a groan. 

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