Chapter 14

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After Noelle and Isabelle served their detention that consisted of the two being forced to stay back and watch all her friends go to hogsmeade. Iris Brown gave them a fake smile and waved before running towards Remus. Isabelle balled her hands into fist as she watched them. Something about watching that bitch talk to Remus or even be near Remus angered Isabelle.

"Isabelle?" Noelle asked snapping Isabelle out of her violent thoughts of cursing Iris.

"Huh? What?" Isabelle asked wiping her hands off on her shorts.

"I was saying that we should sneak into Hogsmeade but if you don't want to.." Noelle trailed off. Sneak into Hogsmeade?! That was brilliant!

"How exactly would we do that?" Isabelle asked quietly as she looked around them. Noelle smirked as she pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket.

"Follow me. I have something brilliant to show you." Noelle said as she took out her wand and laid the paper on a table. "I solemnly swear I am up to no good." Slowly the paper started filling up with ink, a map of the school showing on it.

"What the heck?" Isabelle said as she saw the footprints moving around the map.

"The marauders made it. Remus showed it to me one day. Luckily James keeps his trunk under really weak locks so I was able to knick it without him noticing. Along with this." Noelle took out a folded cloak.

"A...cloak?" Isabelle asked sceptically. Noelle just smiled and threw the cloak around her shoulders, her whole body disappearing.

"Holy crap! How did you do that?"

"I honestly have no clue. I just found it under the map and I thought i'd bring it along." Noelle said as she folded the map and whispered "Mischief Managed." Causing the ink to disappear.

"So how is that going to get us to Hogsmeade?" Isabelle asked.

"C'mon." Noelle led Isabelle out the common room and down to the dungeons, past all the classrooms and to a statue at the end of the hall. Noelle reached down and grabbed her wand. "Aparecium." The stone next to the statue faded into wood, revealing a door.

"What is that spell?" Isabelle asked as Noelle opened the door and ventured into the dark tunnel.

"It's a revealing charm. It's really useful when looking for passageways like this one. I found this last year when I slept in and missed the carriages." Noelle explained as they went deeper into the tunnel. "Lumos Maxima." The tunnel lit up brightly as they walked.

"Ahh. I thought you randomly appearing was strange." Isabelle laughed. Soon enough they came across the door on the other side.

"Now the only thing bad about this tunnel is the ending. It ends in-" Noelle opened the door to see a room covered in pink and lace. Filled with couples all making out in their booths.

"Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop." Isabelle finished with a cringe. She hated this place, she preferred her makeout spots to be a little more...private. "Why did we end up here?" Isabelle complained as they put up their hoods from being noticed. Now where did the marauders go exactly? They walked through the tea shop Isabelle cringing at every gross couple who was next to them.

"Now to where?" Isabelle asks once they make it outside. Noelle shrugs making Isabelle sigh. "Um...Zonko's maybe?" Isabelle offered. Isabelle knew that was a good place to start looking for the marauders.

"Zonko's? Since when did you want to go there?" Noelle asks a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. Isabelle blushed slightly as she tried to hide her face.

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