Chapter 5

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A month had passed and Lily still wouldn't agree to go out with James, making Isabelle in a really bad position. James now wouldn't leave Isabelle alone about his 'date' with Lily.

"Lily Evans! Why can't you go on one date! He will treat you like a queen!" Isabelle exclaimed as she walked down the corridors. Potion's had just ended meaning Isabelle was already in a bad mood.

"Why do you want me to date him all the sudden?" Lily asked her red ponytail

bouncing behind her.

"I made a deal with him awhile ago. I promised if he helped me drag Noelle to class he could get a date with you." Isabelle explained for what seemed like the millionth time.

"I don't know why you did that." Lily stated. Just then loud voices were heard behind them. Isabelle glanced over her shoulder to see the marauder boys and one in particular running towards them.

"Lily! Hey wait up!" James yelled behind them earning a groan from Lily. He finally caught up to the two girls with a large grin on his face. "So you going on that date with me now?" He asked throwing his arm around Lily only to have her shrug it off.

"Look James, I will only go with you on one condition." As Lily said that both Isabelle's and James' face lit up. "If Isabelle goes with us as a double date." James cheered throwing a fist up into the air. Isabelle's mouth dropped as she looked at Lily who only smirked back. There was no way in hell...

"Okay. Remus you're going on a date on Saturday." James yelled back. Okay, maybe she could go. At least it wasn't Sirius.

"Prongs! What the fuck!" Sirius yelled as the boys walked behind them. So a date with Remus so James could get a date with Lily? Didn't sound to bad at all.


Later that day Noelle had told Isabelle shocking news. All four boys were with them too.

"You man whore what have you done to Noelle?!" Isabelle yelled at Sirius who threw his hands up defensively.

"I didn't do shit! This was all her!" Sirius shouted back. Isabelle then looked back Noelle with anger seething out at every word.

"What in the world made you do that?! How did you even get the supplies to do it?!"

" gave them to me?" Noelle said as she looked up at her 5 angry friends before glancing back down.

"You slut what did you do to her?!" Sirius yelled at Isabelle. Isabelle glared at him and went to respond but no words came out.

"Noelle, you're insane!" Remus yelled.

"I don't know why you're all yelling at me it's not like you guys haven't ever done something dangerous! I was just having fun!" Noelle yelled back at her friends.

"Fun? Fun?! You could've been physically deformed for the rest of your life and you did this for fun?" Sirius shouted at her, his face going red from anger. "You could've done it with someone or asked a teacher or something! Doing is alone is almost asking for failure!"

"But I didn't! I'm just fucking fine! Why are all of you so pissed about this? I'm fine!" Noelle stood, standing eye-to-eye, or more like eyes to chest, with Sirius. Isabelle ran a hand through her hair as she thought about it. It wasn't like she was hurt.

"You are a bloody idiot." Isabelle scoffed as she paced the room. What on earth was Noelle thinking! "At least Noelle is the only idiot in this room." She noticed as the room went quiet. "Right?" Isabelle asked as she looked from person to person. Isabelle scoffed again then started laughing. "Oh Merlin! I'm literally the only smart one in this room!"

"Hey i'm smart." Remus raised his hand, glaring at the rest of the idiots. Noelle scoffed and glared at Sirius.

"You fucking hypocrite! You fucking did it too and you're here yelling at me?! Fucking hypocrites all of you!" Noelle yelled, glaring at Sirius in particular. She turned around and left the room, not hesitating to flip them all off as she left.

"What do you all turn into?" Isabelle asked after a moment of awkward silence. All the boys looked at her with deadpanned looks. "What? I'm curious now."

Sirius was the first to speak up. "I'm a dog, James is a Stag and Peter is a rat." Isabelle nodded but stayed silent for awhile. The awkward tension in the air kept everyone from talking.

"Remus, you said you didn't do it right?" Isabelle asked. He nodded in response as he looked at the ground. "You all need to listen to him. That is why you are my favorite Remus. You're the only one who isn't completely stupid." With that Isabelle left the room and headed to bed.


A couple days passed and Isabelle continued to scold Noelle. That was until Noelle turned it around on her.

"I get you're upset Bella, but honestly it's over with so shut up. Also, when were you going to tell me you had a date with Remus?" Noelle asked raising her eyebrow. Isabelle sighed and scratched the back of her neck. It wasn't really a date though right? She was just going so Lily would go with James.

"It's not like that. That was the only way Lily would go with James." Isabelle explained not making eye contact with Noelle. "Sirius got pretty upset James didn't pick him though. It made me laugh. How did you find out anyway?" Isabelle asked as she fixed her robe from sliding off her shoulder.

"I overheard Sirius talking about it to James." Noelle shrugged.

"You still not talking to them?" Isabelle asked sighing at the small nod that Noelle gave. She understood but they should just make up already. "Noelle, you gotta talk to them. They aren't mad at you anymore so you shouldn't be mad at them."

"They haven't apologized for being hypocritical assholes. You know hypocrites piss me off Bella. If they want to talk to me they have to apologize first. I already forgave Remus." Noelle glared at the space in front of her, one of the things that pissed her off the most was hypocrites. If they weren't going to apologize neither would she. Isabelle sighed again. This had been going on for longer than she expected and she knew there was no way to change Noelle's mind.

"Would you at least help me pick out a dress for Saturday?" Isabelle asked with a small smile.

"Oh my Merlin of course I would! You know I love to do that stuff!" Noelle smiled happily, she didn't have anything to do on the day they went to Hogsmeade and considering all of her friends were either busy or she was mad at them she knew exactly what she was going to do. 

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