CT chapter: 29

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Current Timeline: Taehyung's POV

After puking my lunch out, the only thought in my mind was to get back to my room. 

Everyone called me to the lunch table but I simply ignored them and tried to speed walk back to the room. Baekhyun however made sure that it wouldn't happen.

"Are you okay?"

He asked stopping me.

"I'm fine." 

I brushed his hand off and continued to walk. 

"No, you're not. Your face is really pale. Did something happen?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

He opened his mouth to question me further but decided against it. 

"Okay, I'll tell the teachers that you can't come for the rest of the day. I won't be there until tomorrow afternoon because all the seniors are going further ahead to another excavation site, so don't panic if I'm not there and text me if you need anything. Go and rest."

I thanked him and rushed back to the room before anybody was able to see the tears that had begun to spill over onto my cheeks. 

With shaky breaths I tried to calm myself down. 

Two weeks.

Two weeks is all it took.

Two weeks to break my trust.

Two weeks to break my heart.

Two weeks to break me.

I reached for my phone and for a split second in hesitation, my finger hovered over his contact. 

I wanted to scream at him for doing this to me but part of me wanted to ask if it was really true. I just wanted to hear from him that it was not real, that what Yoonji said wasn't true. 

He didn't pick up and the call went straight to voicemail.

I threw my phone on the bed in anger. 

What if he's there with her?

I stood there with my hand curled up into a tight fist, wanting to punch something. But I broke down once again into a sobbing mess. 

My nose was blocked, tears were streaming down my face and snot covered the pillow. 

Was I not good enough?

Did I do something?

Do I really mean so little to him?

Did he ever even love me?

As all these thoughts ran through my head, I felt my heart wrench itself away from my body. 

He was all it took to crush my self esteem. 

I felt absolutely pathetic. 

How could I let a boy ruin me like this? 

When it came to him, why did you have to fall in love? You know falling in love is dangerous.

Dangerous but beautiful. 

And fucking stupid.

But, the lingering feeling of betrayal hung over me like a sword hanging over my head. It wasn't about me falling in love, it was about him falling out of love for me. 

I did not want to cry. 

I did not want to feel the pain.

I just wanted to escape.

Escape from him. 

And so I fell into a tired and tortured sleep to run away from the unwanted reality.


I had slept all through the afternoon and the night and woke up around late morning the next day. 

I dragged myself out of bed to wash up and saw my swollen red eyes staring back at me, reminding myself of yesterday's episode. 

I suddenly wanted to crawl back into bed and fall asleep again. 

But, I can't do that forever can I?

Why can I not be like Sleeping Beauty?

That chick doesn't have to deal with such shit.

While I was brushing my teeth, I decided that I would act like I didn't know anything until I came back. I just needed more time to decide what I would ultimately end up doing. 

I was taking a shower when suddenly I heard some noise coming from outside. 

I yelped as I scrambled to cover myself with a towel when I saw a smirking Baekhyun with chopsticks in his hand. 

"Hello there sexy."

"What the hell do you want so badly that you used chopsticks to pick the lock of the bathroom?"

"To check out how big your dick is."

"It's bigger than yours, that's all I'll let you know."

"Shut up with that already."


"Okay, but seriously there is something else."


"I stole one of the artifacts."


A/N: Happy New Year! And with the new year let's hope for new and better chapters.

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