CT chapter: 12

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Current Timeline Jungkook's POV

I breathed out in relief. Exams were finally over. Since I had finished my paper early, I sat in silence, glancing at the clock every now and then, waiting for the short hand to move to '12' so I could leave and get rid of all the practice papers sitting in my room which made me nervous every time I looked at them.

I rechecked my paper and corrected the errors I had made. By the time I was done rectifying my mistakes, it was only five minutes to twelve.

Just to pass time, I re-rechecked my paper and finally, all the bullshit got over.

I ran over to the invigilator's table, gave my paper and ran out like a free animal who had gotten out of his cage after a long time.

In the corridoor, everyone around me were done with their exams as well, and were discussing their papers animatedly. I knew better than to do that because I did not want to know what mistakes I made.

I raced to our building and practically broke down the door of our dorm. I was expecting to see Jimin as usual, but instead I saw Taehyung sleeping on Jimin's bed scrolling through his phone.

He probably heard me because of my grand entrance and looked up.


I wanted to reply really badly but I just nodded because I could not give him any satisfaction.

"I'm just here 'cuz Jinji-"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"A ship name I made for Jimin and Yoonji. Anyway, I'm just here 'cuz they're in my room. I guess they wouldn't have minded me being around but I just wanted to give them some privacy."


I looked at Taehyung and he seemed positively ecstatic at finally getting a reply from me.

"Yay. You're finally talking to me."

He didn't seem as happy when he said that but a little somber instead.

"I just said 'oh'."

"Well now you said something properly."

He gave me an impish grin.

I rolled my eyes.

Aish! This boy!

But there was a good reason as to why I was ignoring him till now. It killed me to do so but I could never let him know that I liked him.

Okay. I talked to him today, that doesn't mean I'll talk to him after this.

"So, how was your exam?"

Dang it feelings!

"Pretty easy. What about yours?"

"Same. Though I feel I may lose marks in a few questions."

"At least its just a few questions for you. I'm 69% sure imma fail."

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