MT chapter: 2

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Medieval Timeline: Jungkook's POV

Men were loading large wooden crates on the ship. I was told to stand there and supervise their work as my first task before the voyage.

The deckmaster, Yoongi hyung, whispered in my ear before I was about to climb the ship that I was to stay behind to wait for the arrival of company we would be having.

A horse arrived shortly after, its rider descended, handing the reins to our family servant.

Hidden behind a cloth, I couldn't see the horse rider's face, but I assumed he was searching for someone as his eyes wandered.

He finally caught my gaze and I called out to him,

"Excuse me, does your name happen to be Jung Taehyung?"

(A/N: Yes his surname is Jung for this timeline but it does not mean he is related to Hobi and Jaehyun and a bunch of other people with the surname Lee in any way, it's just a random korean surname.)

I hoped I had recalled the name correctly, my father had informed me that our new business partner's son was to be my companion on this journey.

"Yes, I am Jung Taehyung, and you must be Lee Jungkook if I am not mistaken."

"Certainly. I believe you are here to join us on the journey."


He looked around and said,

"Everything seems to be loaded. Let us set sail immediately."

Mr Jung took off the cloth, revealing his face, which was like any other I had seen in my life until now.

His hair was long, dark and silky; perhaps even soft to the touch. His sparkly brown eyes were bigger than average and his eyelashes were long; curling a bit. I noticed that one of his eyelids had a sharper arc than the other.

He had a mole near both of his eyes, and his nose too. The complexion of his skin was unearthly, it was dewy and had an ethereal tan to it.

His upper lips were shaped like a bow and his lower one like a crescent; they had a beautiful shade of pink to them.

Involuntarily, my jaw dropped a little and I realised that I might have been staring, until Yoongi hyung pointed it out and muttered,

"Ladies man, huh? Now get him on board and explain the route."

I called upon a worker and told him to fetch my to-be companion.

He safely deposited his burden and approached me.

After we bowed to each other, he looked me up and down as if he was trying to decipher my personality.

I straightened my posture and cleared my throat unnecessarily as we made eye contact.

I beckoned him onto the deck and showed him his quarters.

While he was arranging his luggage, I decided to bring the map from my own quarters to explain the route.

When I returned he had taken his cloak off and before I could speak, he asked me a rather irrelevant and personal question that took me aback.

"Have you seen any suitors?"

He asked in an innocent tone. Looking at the surprised expression on my face, he nodded to himself as if he got the answer.

I replied in a defensive tone,

"I'm sorry, but have you?"

He turned away, the tips of his ears glowing red. He looked back at me with a tiny smirk and said,


I tried to maintain my composure but I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

What a cheeky man.

He noticed and a huge grin spread over his face, I ignored him and changed the topic to the route.

As I was explaining his gaze wandered the room and then fell upon me.

I began to shift uncomfortably in my seat as he kept watching me.

I stumbled over my words and realised that I was stuttering.

His grin became even wider as I became more uncomfortable.

After I had finished I instantly got up, quickly bowed without making eye contact and bid him farewell; all the while trying not to acknowledge the note of amusement in his face.

I left relieved, only to jump in surprise to find Yoongi hyung leaning against the doorframe with a sly smile and a raised eyebrow.

I felt the blood rush to my face and my cheeks burning in embarrassment.

He chuckled and walked away.

I still felt the blood in my cheeks but smiled slowly to myself as I walked away, dazed.



If anyone is confused as to why I changed their surnames, it's just because it'll be weird if they have the same surname in both timelines.

Reminder: These surnames are only for the medieval timeline.

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