CT chapter: 7

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Current Timeline: Jungkook's POV

I didn't touch my drink as I absorbed the surroundings.

Taehyung was a bit drunk, I could tell because he kept laughing at everything I said.

Daehyun crept up towards us and started to make efforts in seducing Taehyung and asked him if he wanted a drink.

I politely refused, knowing that one more drink could lead to a disaster.

"Was I talking to you?"

Daehyun said, raising an eyebrow as she swayed.

She kept touching him and every time she did, I flinched.

Daehyun started to pull him even closer as she breathed in his ears.

She began to nibble at them but Taehyung lightly pushed her away.

She began to whine.

"Taehyungie kiss me."

She said as she puckered her lips.

"Ok, just one."

Taehyung said as he came closer.

Daehyun was swaying dangerously, the smell of alcohol reeked from her, suffocating me.

Taehyung pecked her lips but she wanted more than that.

Her long, dark brown hair was dishevelled and in a huge mess as she grabbed his face to fully make out with him.

He didn't resist.

Instead, he kissed back.

I became uncomfortable waiting for them to finish.

Her leg made its way on top of his thigh as she continued to eat his face up.

They broke away and gasped for a breath.

She looked at him, her eyes half-closed.

"Baby...don't go."

She said breathlessly.

She stroked his hair back revealing his forehead.

And they continued.

I got sick of it.

I tapped Taehyung but he ignored me and continued as he kept leaning on me.

I felt disgusted.

I grabbed him from Daehyun's grasp.

Her lipstick and makeup were smudged on her face, her cheeks a rosy red.

We left her alone with a confused expression.

Once we were out of the pub, Taehyung tripped on me.

"Why'd ju do that? 'Twas fun."

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